Show BRITONS CAPTURE BOERS Biggest Drive of War Just Wound Up in Bcchuanaland Vrcyburg Bochuamiland Friday May 16Tue Immunity which Lord Kitchener granted to the delegates to the Vrcenlglmr conference of Boer leaders and their immediate followers irom molestation by the British columns col-umns has not prevented the consum umLiuii UL uue 01 me niggcst drives of the war which has Just wound up agaInst the Rcchunnnland blockhouse line Gen Hamilton and other commanders com-manders have gathered In four hun tired prisoners Including a hundred rebels and recalcitrant ftoers who have caused much trouble in the past Among tho prisoners are a brother of Gen nelarey and several other commandants com-mandants S The movement was remarkable for the lack of resistance by the Hoar most of whom surrendered after aimless aim-less dodging without lighting There were no British casualties Five hundred hun-dred Boors managed tn escape In the earlier stages of the drive |