Show CASTOR A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars thy I Signature of ITX A IkTJTviARRY DOCTOR or de nfoflfinl I H pPni Dont do a thins ILfUll I I IL J tilt Jou HL ° clearly whnts best by aid of Flashlights on Hiimitn Nature on health diacHHe 1111 I h youd nsk a doctor but lent llko lo 210 PiitC5 illustrated IS cents but to Introduce Intro-duce it wu scud 0110 only to any adult for postage 10 cents MURRAY HILL CO llU 15 2Sth street New ofk 4 lug In a tionpouotmun 4d rriurdy tar tiiiuirrlicca cuIttb Oliet Spnrmftturrhon Li I t 5miy Whiter u n n a in ml I dlc Juirtti nlarji1 or OUT Inltnmmn uI 0 tlun Irrltntliin or tiluvrn ruvntl COfltIIIC tloii or nmoonc i nioru D nsEvmN3CitumcmLCo anes > onnetrlnGont aItdIl141T1O fj old Vy ttiuUUlto 5 A itittut IT plain wrapper oajiriM jiropald for SlfO 3 li ltlh 1 nr J27 J ilrrnlip font < H rwiti l Oe intermountain farmer and Rancfttfian Piibliiilicd by Time Tribune Publishing compnny will contain uch Infunmillun ruopuullnR the fnrm and ranch of Utah Idnhn I Vyonilntr Ncvcda anti Colorado as will iniiku it limiluable Mloult raising ns well HP uijrlciiliure fruit arid llownr culture and the truck RtinUn and hen nery being Blvon especial nUcntlon U is SlOO a year In ndvnnco Is publhihcd every Tuesday and will be millort one year with ThE WEEKLY TKIBUXE for 10 In advance SALT LAICK WEEKLY TJUBUNK alone S100 per year DRESS3ALT > LAICIS TRIBUNE runWKHING COMPANY Salt Lnko City UTAH PpimY S HEATH Publisher Pub-lisher and General Manager KEEP MONEY HOME By insuring in the HOMEc YourS F R E Ovn ° UTAH S Capital paid up 250000 Heber J Grant Co General Agents 110 to 28 Main street Salt Lake City Curse DRINK CUBED BY F White Ribbon Remedy Can Be Given in Glass of Water Tenor Ten-or Coffee Without Patlonta Knowledge White Ribbon Remedy will euro or destroy de-stroy the diseased appetite for nlcohollo stimulants whether the patient IH n confirmed con-firmed Inebriate a tippler social drinker drink-er or drunkard Impossible for any otiw to have an appetite for alcoholic liquors after using whlto Ribbon Remedy Indorsed by Members of W C T 0V Mm Moore Press Superintendent oC Womans Christian Temperance Union Ventura California writes I have tested AVhlto Ribbon Remedy on voryi obstinate druiikiirdn and the cures hava been many In ninny cases the Remedy was given secretly I cheerfully rccom mend and indorse White Ribbon Remedy Members of our Union nro delighted to Ibid IL practical and economical treatment to aid us In our temperance work Mrs M A Cowan of the Womana ChrlHtlan Temperance Union states I know of so many people redeemed from the curae of drink by time White TUhboni Remedy that 1 earnestly request you ta give It a trial Druggists or by mall 1 Trial package free by writing or calling on Mrs A M TOWNSEND for years Secretary of the Womans Christian Tcmnoranco Union 218 TREMONT STREET BOSTON MA3S Sold In Salt Lake by Druohl Franken Druggists S E corner Main and Thlrtl South streets TANSYOPILLS For 20 ycrtbn emIly afontid rellalilo ITomnlo Itocalatortor nil troubles ItcllcTcaullhtn 3 days dtupfltta A nr by innll JTicn 8t HnU 4c fop WotnpneSafiGimnl1lW1lco3c Medical t Med-ical Co 323 J > 131U Kt Ililla Ia Is Interested nml slionlil know iitiouitUouondernil MARVEL Whirling Spray The IteW 9jrlnrr Jtijff tion and Hue tun HMlSaf t Mnt Convenient InituiUj If IIP Mlinot auill UiO jllAnvil ncociitno otliir Mit ijnit sturnji for 11 luatmtjcl l oU J < Jt Klves lull iiaillriilawnniMliPPiJonil vnlnablc to lixJIe MAnVKIi CO Room 81 C Times Bdc New York Van Dyke Drug Store Apta cot 3rd Bo and Main Salt Lake City SFrtPFT KDCltTIES ASONa ARGKNTA LODGE NO 3 F AND A M Stated communications held at Masonic Ma-sonic hall the first Tuesday In each month Members of sister lodges and ao JournliifT brethren are cordially Invited lo attend NED W IIEWETT W M MOSES C PHILLIPS Secretary UTAH CQMMANDERY NO 1 KnIghts Templar Stated conclaves held at Masonic hall on time first Thursday ot each month ut 8 oclock Visiting Sic Knlcbta aro courteously Invited W II CUNNINGHAM E C L B SMITH Recorder WASATCII LODGE NO I F AND A M Regular muutliiRs hold at the Musonlc hall the uccond Friday oC tach month Membrn of sister lodpca and Dojournlnj brethren In Rood standIng aro cordially Invited to attend OEO IJ BERN W M A J LOWE Secretary MT MORIAH LODGE NO 2 F AND A M Regular meetings held at Masonic Ma-sonic hall tile aeoond Monday of each month Members cf sister lodges and so Journinp brethren In Rood standing aro cordially Invited to attend CHARLES FRED JENNINGS WM CHRISTOIIiER D1EHL Secretary UTAH CIIArTKR NO 1 R A M Stated canvnralionu held on time first Wodnesdny of each month at Masonla hall Sojourning companions aro con dltilly Invited to utlcnd WM J LYNCH G E U P M C PHILLIPS Secretary EL KALAH TEMPLE A A O N At S Roculnr ocsslotis on third Wednesday of each month ut Msonic hall at S p mAll m-All noble sojourning In our oaals cordially cor-dially invited to meet with ua IRA O RI1OAOES Potentate L B SMITH Recorder LYNDS CHAPTER NO 1 1 O E S Regular m < tlns held at Masonic hall the llrst Friday of each month Sojourn lug mcmbprn cordially Invited to attend GEORGEANA 1IIGSON W M A ANDERSON 3ccy > WOODMEN OF THE WORLD DESERET CAMP 403 MEETS EVERY Friday night ut S oclock In KnIghts of Pylhlnn hall 2fll Main ntrcot GEO 9OLLIS Consul Commander T K NEVMAN ClorK MODERN WOODMEN GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP NO 10071 Modern Woodmen of America meets every Tuesday 8 p in at 02 Richards nlrcul VIsItIng neljjhbora aro cordially invited JACOB SWART V C G M SULLIVAN Clerk FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA Fverprecn lodge No 151 meets every Monday Mon-day at I O O V temple S JOHN JAMES F M IT J HESS Secretary 13 P O ELKS ta w w V sxvX1wV1s > B P O ELKSTHE BENEVOLENT and Protective Ordqr of Elks meets each Wodnctduy evcnlnir at S oclock Odd Follows buIlding Market Street II B DEARDOHFF E R A V ItAYBO tiLl Secretary I O O F B Ni V XW FIDELITY LODGi NO 17 I O O F meets every Friday night at S oclock Visitors wclioinc C 11 PEARSON N O J C SMITH Snc EAGLES EAGLESSLT LAKE AERIE NO aj Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Sunday ovcnlnir at 730 at A O U W Hall 1t3 J Sr Moin street W 31 LIJDDINGTON W P ABE BEKNST1EN Vrcrmury |