Show TWO GRANTED TWO DENIED The State Board of Pardons Divided Things Equally The State Board of Pardons met yesterday yes-terday and granted two pardons and one parole Two pardons and one parole were also denied Those to whom pardons par-dons wero granted are Pat Wlchcrly fined S500 In Carbon county on Juno 15 1HOI for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm and committed to the Stale prison for nonpayment non-payment of the line and Ell I C Kendall fienlcnccd to three years for robbery at Provo In February 1DOI A parole was granted to Frances Hagesteud who was convicted of murder In the second degree at Beaver In November ISIlj and serlenced to sixteen years Pardons were denied Joshua 1 Lewis who Is serving a two years term foi seducing a young girl and Hans P Hansen who is serving eighteen months for adultery A parole was denied Benjamin Forman For-man serving fifteen months for grand larceny and in the case of Thomas Williams serving a life sentence for murder a continuance was ordered for one month |