Show SPICE Society Reporter Then IM pay several beautiful 1orlthv songs were rendered by Miss hIotliWellerdomit t say rendered Vou see her father made nil his money In lard PhUutlolphla Press He But dont yon think irlrla often clo chine proposals without 1 sufficient consideration consid-eration She Not very often I think prononfUH are apt to be carefully considered before they tire made Puck DOIC 8I the new minister trial sermon ser-mon was aatlsfactory why didnt you engage en-gage him on the spot Mrs Dorcas Wo had to take him out to tho Units drt to ace how ho plnycd golf New York Sun First Chimbcrmnld That man In No 1 gets un awful lot of letters If theyre Jrom wonijn Second Chnmhcrmald hues Socoll ln no a perfect gentleman Those letters are all unpaid bills New York Times ills J DoArc you cortaln hat your mlRtresB loves my matter 7 Her Dog Why It wan love at fret sight She pushed mo ofT the sofa to let him sit down Detroit Freo Pressi They liuvo two servants Hub thats nothing We usually hnvo two In our house one going nnd the other oth-er coming Philadelphia Press What do you think of 1 7 said Dum ley after nadlng bin sonnet I got that Idea ihe other day and I thought Id write a L sonnet about H Yet said Kostlque why dont you Philadelphia Record She keeps an 1mmline establishment doesnt the cstnhlshmcnt Oh indeed yea A head coachman two groomu and a stable boy n house kcper cook unekrcook kitchen maid upstairs and downstairs maid governcsii hnnlmml and chldPIcl Sweet Girl Graduate And now comes the mornrntoui time when we start the Imttlo of lift ilenppkt i Great Scott Arc they all go al inn to marry Judge |