Show PERSONAL MENTION 1 3H J Kennedy hfis returned from a trip to the coast J H loylo is In Washington D C for two weeks on legal business N P I Dnoly roturned yesterday after a two weeks vlblt at StaleHue and Piochc I Mr and Mrs S D Evans returned vrs rdiy from it three weeks tiip to southern south-ern California and Caialina Island Vasso Docklestleh of Tnnopuh Ncv was Jn tOot yesterday and started last flight for De I1 Mar Ncv to take charge of the remalim of his only brother Splro Dockclstlcb who was hilled a few daya r o by 1 fall from a horse Tho surviv lug brother will lake tho remains 10 San Francisco for burial and will adminlstor time valuable estate left by tho deceased |