Show I THE SENATORSWP The presence of Senator Kcarns at I the meeting of the Ladles Republican club of Provo on Wednesday evening at the time when lion Reed Smoot announced an-nounced his candidacy for the United States Senate we are glad lo announce was not a prearranged affair In an Interview In-terview with I Senator Kcarns which will be found In another column of this Issue I of The Tribune he distinctly disavows any Intention on his part to advocate the candidacy of any one Republican as against that of any other aspirant for the oflicc of United Stales Senator from Utah This will bs gratifying to the many friends of Senator Sena-tor Kcarns His attitude In the matter Is certainly commendable He Is of the opinion that the field should be an open one and that the Legislature should give every Republican who dcslrcs no aspire for that high olllce an opportunity > oppor-tunity to be heard Utah has a number of Republicans i who are well qualified to fill the position posi-tion Among those who might be named In addition to the Hon Reed Smoot and who probably will be Important Im-portant factors In the contest are Gov Ileber M Wells 3Ion W S McCornick exSenator Arthur Brown Hon George Sutherland Hon O J Salisbury Thomas G Webber anti Judge George W Bartuh All of the gentlemen named have friends and admirers in the State and while not attempting to detract de-tract from the ability and staunch Republicanism Re-publicanism of the Hon Reed Smoot we nre more than gratified to know that Senator ICearns by lending his presence to the gathering at Provo on Wednesday evening where Mr Smool announced his candidacy for the United States Senate did not cIther by his presence or the words used on thai occasion oc-casion convey to the Republicans of Utah any Intimation or suggestion thai he favored Mr Smoots candidacy In preference to that of any other Republican Repub-lican In the Slate Ills interview sets nl rest any impression that may have been created to the contrary |