Show AVE MEN SLANDERED Outrageous Attack in House Upon Boys in Blue MISSOURIAN LEADS OFF His Charges Bcsentcd by Number of Members Mr Hill of Connecticut Plain Spoken in Defense of American Ameri-can Soldiers Details Some of the Awful Atrocities Committed by the Filipinos Upon Loyal Filipinos and Americans Calls Upon Democrats to Fight Political Battles Decently Washington May lGThe House today to-day was plungedInto a nevertiring debate de-bate on Philippine affairs Thus fur the subject or alleged atrocities In the lsland has engaged the attention of the Senate alone and only occasionally echocfc have been heard in the House But today the reports of cruelty and outrage were rehearsed in the House with vehemence and blllerness The naval bill was the order of the day but it received hut scant attention atten-tion after tho allegations of Philippine outrages were presented VANDIVER STARTS DISCUSSION A speech by Mr Vandlver of Missouri Mis-souri reciting instances of alleged outrages out-rages brought on the discussion Per sonal I tie and recriminations sere freely passed about Mr Vandlver was supported in his criticisms by ir Wheeler of Kentucky while vehement defenses of the Ameriean soldiers were made by i Mr i i Hepburn of Iowa Mr I Grow of Pennsylvania Mr Hill of Con neetlcul I Mr I 1 W Smith of Michigan and Mr Lesslor of New York Tn the course of his remarks Mr Hill said HILL 15BPBNJDS 5 011 D I fiST fiS-T cam Into the I hull willie the gentleman from Missouri was portraying Limo outrages out-rages that had been perpetrated by Urn American HOldlers upon the Filipinos and I regrette d cry 1 much to hear It I had honed that theme would ho a monojioly of thin i kind of talk 1 HMhere nail tuat we should not bavo In tho HoiiFe I of Representatives Repre-sentatives the mallpnmK and slandering of the American army while in the performance per-formance of Its duly Mr Hill detailed a visit he paid to Gen Smiths headquarters in the Philippines Phil-ippines and added found I tho department of Con Jacob H Smith In prmca and qiictnc I K and yet while thai I condition existed thla Incident actually occurred A company of I Tnja los Filipino lie Filipino army If I you chooso In call dojiojiiicd on a village of peaceable IlHuInos who chose tn carryon carry-on their regular busings pursuits in piwc and i tile I miess and drstioyml that villas murdorhm men women and children and If the gentleman from Missouri Mr Van dlvrr desires IL specimen of barbarity I i want lo toll you what they did to loyal Filipinos and m Americans TIED TO ANT HILLS They look men out amid tied them to nutJillls six or eIght or ton 1t i i high nnd six foot in dlamotor tilled with ants m hii tare t-are absolutely I ravonous and eat up everything ev-erything they como In rontact with They tldd tluso I mon to iiulhlls and allowed l them I to bo eat I on to i ICS tli by ants They burled them In Limo ground up to thelr I nocks and allowed thnn to t be picked to death 1 by the t blids and eaten I by the ants AMERICANS D1SI2MBO KIKIX They took tho loyal Filipinos and loyal Americans IIlIti cut thorn open In the ab dnmon taking h out a portion of ihts huwoln and nailing It to t ice I and driving them t around tho rco with holoi while they diHcmbowoled them I and yet you gentlemen gentle-men stand hero and concVnm American soldiers for standing by the men who aro loyal to iho American flag and who are suffering such outrages as thCBe Mr Vandlver For the very same kind 01 barbarity which you are now charging against the Filipinos DECENCY SHOULD I3B SHOWN Mr Hill Jnlk about your water cures Fight your political battles decently de-cently Do not attempt to do It by I slandering American soldiers in the performance ot their duty Gciioval I debate on the naval 1111 closedat 1 oclock I and when the House adjourned the measure was being read for amendment AMENDMENT DISAGREED TO The Senate amendments to the Agricultural Agri-cultural appropriation bill were disagreed disa-greed to by the t House and the1 I bill was sent to conference with Messrs Wadsworth Henry Conn and WII IIms Miss as the House conferees By unanimous consent a bill was passed for the L further distribution I of Supreme court reports and digests to Federal ofllelals and judges Also the t bill opening to homestead entry the extensive ITte tract 1 In I folo rado embracing about 0000000 acres As a result of several I eases of cmer gene illness which have occurred in the House a resolution I was adopted directIng I direct-Ing the sergoantatarms to provide an emergency equipment of mcdlcinci and inslt uinenls to be approved by Representatives Repre-sentatives Wilson Showalter and Ball physician members |