Show INJUNCTION ISSUED Restraining Order Granted Lumber Company Against Butte Union Helena Mont May 15Jesn B Rootc as attorney for the Western Lumber company com-pany of Spokane VaI h today applied to tho fulled States court for an Injunc thou to restrain tin Teamsters union of Hujfr I from lm < > rforng with the delivery of lumber by the company to Senator V A Clark for a block hr Is J onstruellnj The Fistto teamsler inc on a Mrlke and wIn the Transsfcr company attomptcd tr AH haul tin1 lumber from a depot the ililver who were throitcnoil wlUi n boycoU rpilt work lemporir > restraining order wn < 1 granted and the hearing to make It perm E anent will be liiid Mnv ilst h |