Show I PARISIANS INDIFFERENT I Pages Given in Paris Journals to I Soveros Little Cataclysm Paris May liThc American visitors hero cannot understand the seeming In dlireiciice of HIP rllll lang In reganl lo the Martinique disaster Beyond lie I half mnsted tlans over he Government ofllcen thor arc nn sign of public mourning The people Hock to their usual resorts attend t at-tend the races till the theaters none of which hnvo been closed no extras are issued arid l there I Is I no demand for them nut the evening papers ronlaining bulletins bul-letins of the automobile maces arc eagerly purchased Thn varIous funds being raised for the rollol of iho I Martinique sufferers now only total i 2fXrcO francs Including the large subscription of the foreign potentates poten-tates and the t COOCO francs from the municipality mu-nicipality The provinces seem more ln terestcd I in the dlsanter than I the capital They are actively organizing committees to tend aid The opposition IP beginning to use the I cataclysm as a club to beat the Government Govern-ment t The Nationalist Pa trie t says c hoped that the fetes nl Brest would have been countermanded on account of the t ivitus trophe over whjeh foreign sovereigns courts and Parliaments arc mourning more than I our own authorities The lings arc ImJfmased but the military bunds arc playIng as If 30000 Frenchmen had not Durlshcd1 I An American who has resided here for a long time I said Tho Parisian oru cpn Btlimionally unable to become deoply m torehlad In anvil I lug not connected with the capllal I HIVP you not noticed that I I the papers arc clvlug more apace to the Humbert I I caue thin to I tho terrible loss of life at Martinique while early this week 1 they devofd panes to the death of KoviioH thin aeronaut and only luo 1 columns col-umns to the West Indian I catastrophe |