Show ERUrTiON is PRE GTED Another Upheaval 1 on St Vincent Vin-cent is Looked For OPINION OF SCIENTISTS Numerous Fissures in the Sides of tho Soufricre Volcano Continue to Throw Out Vapor and the Subterranean Subter-ranean iMurmurings and Tremb lings Indicate Continued Unrest Nearly Every REmaining Hut in the Carib Country Contains Decayed De-cayed Bodies Kingston Island of St Vincent B W I Tuesday May 13No person has yet been able to approach within eight miles of the new crater of the Soufrlerc volcano but judging from what can be seen from a considerable distance the I old lake at the summit of the mountain has disappeared THROWING OUT VAPOR The numerous fissures In the mountains moun-tains sides continue to throw out vapor va-por and the subterranean murmurlngs t and tremblings Indicate continued unrest un-rest During the afternoon of Monday a dense volume of steam and smokn rose from the volcano and the wholo island was covered by a peculiar mist HUNDREDS OF DEAD I Nearly every remaining negro hut in the Carib country contains decayed i bodies and the horrible stench in I driving driv-ing people away Mutilated bodies are tied with ropes and dragged to the trenches where they are burled Sometimes Some-times bodies are cremated WHAT SCIENTISTS PREDICT Scientists t who have coon here from the British Island of Trinidad predict another volcanic eruption on St Vincent Vin-cent within a short time The damage done to St Vincent by the volcanic eruptions is now knoxyn to he much greater than was at first estimated The present uneasiness of the inhabitants inhabi-tants of the island l is Increased by the continuous activity of the volcanoes STONES AND VOLCANIC DUST FALL Friday morning May fjth large stones and volcanic dust fell in the neighborhood of Georgetown for two I hours terrifying the people there A cloud of hoi vapor then nnol ycd over I that part Two eruptions of less magnitude mag-nitude than the first oectlllcd Pjvar I day May 10th and from then until today I to-day fire and smoke have been ascending ascend-ing at Intervals from the I craters Ow Inc lo the great heat It Is still impossible impos-sible to approach Soufrlere volcano from the leeward side CHANGES IN ISLAND Interesting discoveries have been made regarding physical changes on SI Vincent resulting from the eruptions Several fissures have been observer on La Snnfriere The estate of Wallbou has disappeared and has been replaced by an Inlet of the sea Richmond an estate adjacent to Walibou which was formerly flat and upon which there were several laborers collages has been completely burned and out of the estate t there now rises a large ledge of ground II is believed that the TSablrl crater In the windward district of the Island has also erupted FLASHES OF TIED LIGHT From a distance La Soufrlere nIt though nI-t less violent t still wears a cap of dark clouds which IK I Illumined every now and then I by 1 flashes of rod light Volcanic dust t fell here vestertfay but fortunately t there have been also several sev-eral heavy rain shower which have washed away the dust t from the grass and restored the verdure of the fields The condition of the atmosphere is also apparently Improving TWO THOUSAND DEATHS Owing fo the destruction of several estates the sugar and arrowroot industries in-dustries of St Vincent are seriously injured Destitution prevails among the laboring classes who arc without homes without clothes and hungry Nearly two thousand I deaths on this island have been renortnd DOtj1 i have been discovered in lifelike attitudes atti-tudes presenting gruesome spectacles There are decomposed bodies In ninny houses and in order to guard against disease It will probably be necessary for the authorities to burn these dwellings dwell-ings |