Show TELEGRAPH SHORTSTOPS t 1 The Njulonaj Acmlemy of Design > cwt York cw-t Ima elected officers lit Its annuil mooting luuilcil by Inxloi Ids Dlelninn for president Tho town of Karlln In was hilled by a conflagration last nlKlit that wljud out lie I entlru buiineds section entailing n loss estimated at more Ihnn i 10000 Julius 1 Lehmann former member of iso I St t Louis Mouse of Delegate I was placid on I rlrtl 1 In J i id go halls division of ihu I Circuit court at St Louis yesterday on lho charge of porjury ilvi thousand deeds lo Crok huida have been tnndo out and arc now itSitIt lug tile slna tire ot ChIef Porfr who says ic will not slKii without positive Instructions from the SeoiTinry of the Interior J Since ilu volcanic dlsinrbiincos in the Island of Manlnktno tho temorturo I of thi vator at Topo Chlco hot yprln s ncir Montcrcv Mexico has Increased sIx dc Krcos thin temperature now Is 110 do green Honry 1 Liibodii a Pole npml M years I ami Ilarwy J Clay colored tKcd Il I wore JnsUintly killed ul Lea enwolt h Km by coming In ooniact with a arbcd wire fotco across which u broken electric light wlro lad fallen KxtiKitTnlcd I slutcmpnts of thc need of Kansas for harvest hands icccntly published pub-lished I havim caused a Hood of letters on the subject T l IJ L Gorow Slate employment employ-ment aijciit iutthurlzcs a denial of the statomenls Tho annual dinner of the Norlh Carolina society Is to bo held nt Dclmonlcoa New York on next Tuesday evening There arc 350 members of tho society The chief guest at the dinner will be former Senator Malt VV Ransom The Chicago Bureau of Charities lias been enriched by the gift of a New Yorker whoso namu Is I withhold The Klft consists of a oollcctlon ofaboul WO rare cameos and IntaKllos Thero rc many gems In the collection more than 2CCO yenta old Bernard Loparde a lrllliIno member < If the tnlted State Commission has brought a criminal suit against the newspaper news-paper Freedom of Manila for having re pnbllfihed a libelous artlele wbloli originally orig-inally appeared In illau a Spanish newspaper news-paper Congressman Ilueldr Harry I B I JIawes president of the St Louis Police Commissioners Commis-sioners and more than a soore of other Including It Is paid JL Slate Supreme Judge and several Mayors of Missouri cities have been Indicted by the I Charlton county fMo grand Jury for gambling I Tho Iowa Supreme court has ruled that the sale of liquor to boot1cg ers and other resident violators of the Iowa law cannot bu problblled when the aalrs are mado byo gents of nonrcsIdoiH dealers 1 Tim court holds tho section of he I Iowa Honor law known l as the mulct law iiiohlblilng sniuh sales Is In conflict with Inlorstnlo commerce laws and Is therefore there-fore unconstitutional I |