Show Mrs Andrew llowil wii boslcsa of a cliannln ly appointed luncheon yesterday yester-day eivfn cumpllmciaiiry to Miss Mcr rfll i Tin l able thcoiMtl wore In yellow yel-low and white a laruo cluster of while lilacs on a yellow piece rormlnrr lie t cen Icrplecc and the I randies at either end were shaded In yellow IScsldvn the I guest of honor Mr l < Howats KiieHts were MIH Uavld Keith Mra John 1 Marshall Mar-shall Mrs i JC I llohncji I I Mrtt l I ally lrH George lowt and MlhH l Culburn > Mi lii J Kmlly Read has rcltoiiPd to the city anil In l the suciU of Mrs 1 Waller U Flftr e Mrs McMillan entertained nf luncheon yesterday Mrs Marvin Chctry accompanied by her child run will Icavi llio acconrl week in June for an extended vinlt in Indiana a li K MIMK i Kale Williams leaves on Saturday for liryn Mawr O IJ Jti4ge Chvrry left yfjitcrday on a trip lo I Chicago S 4 Mrs U I Huah has roltirncd from a Iriplo Uunver a 4 4 An enjoyable affair was the I Informal tea giVen by > fia Clarence T l Hrown yoHtridny alturiionn I t Several dcllilitlnl I iiiiiHlcal xilicllons veri t i rcnderwl by Mm I Walter i Tun If Mr i K i K i Wood and MlhS i Miirlon i Knickerbocker A bone twenty ladleu WMV prenejii I MIK l Brown will I fiilertnln at I auoHnr ua on Tliurs diy nrl f S airc George L Savage entertained In formally yesterday afternoon at Forda hotel S Mm Thonian Jennings entertained at a delightful Kem lniion yesterday afternoon after-noon complimentary lo Mrs AVIllard young Mrs Carolan of San Franclnco Is the qieit of Capt and Mrs SLurjla of F out Douglas S S Mrs AV Montague Ferry entertains at luncheon today S 4 I Mr and Mrs Jack A I ford Imvo returned re-turned to Salt Lake I from Park City to rHl Ie and are ni 1 home with Mrs John Alford Si i Center ytreot j + A AV MrCiine and family leave for New York today lo sail from thai I port for Pern lu be awiv Homo time hUt 1 1 Hunn A V Jr i and K V McCune with tholr famlllcii remain In Mils city u A plug pong loiirnament I will lake place at the I Country club on Saturday ul I 4 oclock S P A cruingernon K were yeulorday corn llCt od for the Mothcnj congreSM to be held In thlK clly Iho latter part of next week Mm Fretlcrlclc Sclio of Phlladolphia pres Idonl of llui I National t I C < sngiean uf Moth fin and who Irt lo in Itt nan In tbo pro gramme of next week will arrlve lii i the I city on Wednejidav next t Dnrbii her Hiuy in hut I Ilty Mm SchofT will ui hi Ito trilvbt uf MIH l L J Mlllur Slit will bo tin ifiuat ul honor at suviral social af fairK ono of which will bo a largo recep ion t to bo given on Thursday evening lit the humu of il rut Klinon Brnnbcrger S n o Au Important meeting of Ito I current eventj and i current I I I torn tni tj section of the Jafll i < H Lilcrarv I i club will I bo huld thl I aitvrnoon VIUMI a chalrmiin for llio I g year will bo olectcd |