Show SAW HER BABY CREMATED Crippled Mother TJnalilu to Hove Watches Her Little Daughter Bum to Death Niw York May 13 Crippled with rheumatism and unable lo movo from her bed Mrs VIlllam Wagner of Newark N J I siaw her dauihUr Edna 2 ½ years J old hummed to death within a few feet of her bed Mr Wagner has boon unablo to get Iltit of bed for a month While her mime wa absent th child procured mum ielus and whli playing with them set iii I hoc clothing and tho curlafni Mrs Wagrikr hcrcjlimd loudly but the i child wasi fatally t burned before assistance arrived After tin t fire which had spread ahout Iho rooms had bi > cn quenched Mrs SVagucr waa found to lit unconscious |