Show SAD SCENE IN CITY JAIL WIFE OF ACCUSED MAN FAINTS ON MEETING VIM Charles Brown Who Is Charged With Vile Offenses Appears in Police Court Other Charges Charles Brown wJio Is i believed by the police to be the man who has of kite been assaultingiktlc children and acting Indecently various parts oC the city appeared before Judge Tlm mony yesterday afternoon for arraignment arraign-ment He was asked for his pica and said he was not ready to answer ut least not until ho hadlconsulted an attorney at-torney Dlehl suggested that tho charges against the defendant were of such a that the nature as to warrant asking defendant be held in such a bond as In would guarantee his appearance court at the time he was wanted and also the further statement that If reports re-ports were true there would be several inore complaints filed against him The court fixed Thursday next at i oclock as the time for his examination His bond NS llxed at 300 InS default of which the prisoner was locked up again In the city jail A pathetic scene occurred yesterday morning when the wife of the accused man visited him at the pollco station Ko sooner was slip admitted to his presence than she broke Into hysterical hysteri-cal sobbing and after repeating his name several times fell la a swoon She was resuscitated only to faint a second time within a few minutes As soon as she had recovered she was escorted es-corted home by J M Hamilton who Is the attorney for the accused man |