Show RECEPTION TO MOSES W TAYLOR Farewell Entertainment to the Ncw Head of Summit Stake Moses AV Taylors reception in the Nineteenth ward mcetlnghousc last evening was well attended and the refreshments re-freshments served at the close of the programme were very muehonjoyed A E Carr presided and the musical number were as follows Quartette Joseph Winter Edward Cotlnm Alma Vincent and William Phillips piano duet A A Beesley and Mnmlc Silver soprano solo Rulh Nelson vocal solo little Millie AVIIliams comic song Alex Campbell vocal solo Horace So Ensign solo Lizzie Thomas Edward Speeches expressing the esteem in which Mr Taylor Is I held In the ward and wishing him abundant success in his new flqld of labor as president of the Summit stake were madefy E Carr IL S Tanner A A Beesley and George Willis Just ut the close of the entertainment Mr Taylor was presented pre-sented with a dictionary Bishop Isaac Barton making few complimentary remarks and Mr Taylor expressing himself as being more than honored at the respect and good feeling that had been shown him |