Show AMUSEMENTS Theulcrpoers were given last evening 0 solid two hours and a half of laughter laugh-ter a whlsjp oC country fairs horse races and mortgaged farms It would be haul to find a more striking contrast con-trast In two audiences than In the one Which left the Theater Thursday evening even-Ing after the performance of Nathan Hale and that which red out after the fun and mirth of The County Fair last night Thc former for all the world resembled the breakIng up Of a funeral service while the latter tIed Just what the author pictured In his play the good feeling and excitement citement attendant on an oldfash ioned county fair Neil Burgess In his female character of Abigail Prime prim prudish and practical was the center of attraction not only because his was the principal role but on account o the wide gap from an artistic standpoint which yawned between himself and support for In truth It must be said that the company surrounding sur-rounding Mr t Burgess Is only In the middle class bEn far below the standard of the organization which ho had with him four years ago While the audience In attendance last evening even-ing was not large applause was liberal and frequent The horse race In the last act was exciting and realistic Among those seen In the cast was J Willard Squires formerly of Salt Lake who was last seen here with Lewis Morrison in Faustr Squires sang bass in the county fair quartette A popular matinee will be given this afternoon and tonights performance closes the engagement OB 4 The First Presbyterian church was well filled last night when Miss Katharine Kath-arine E Oliver the elocutionist concluded con-cluded her series of recitals The theme of the evening was the poet Burns I wjth scenes from The Little Minister Minis-ter by special request Miss Oliver showed a fine mastery of Burnss poetry both In letter and spirit and portrayed the genius or the poet with In fidelity that captivated the audience or Burns brogue Miss Oliver has a fine command which lent additional and unique rhann to her effort The Little Minister selections were especially espe-cially well rendered ami received Miss Oliver will give entertainments other I cities of the State before returning East tlf Fifty of the prominent citizens of the Sixteenth ward were entertained by Prof Giles at Calder music palace pal-ace last evening by nn organ recital and in addition to this there were several sev-eral hymns sung by members of the choir and those present It was n very delightful though very Informal affair af-fair The new pipe organ which may grace the Sixteenth ward assembly hall was very much admired |