Show I j Bulletin From Census Office Shows That There Were 26881 i Tons Manufactured Manufac-tured in State in1899 Special Attention Is to Be Given to the Extension of Rural Free Delivery Service in Utah During Coming Summer Workon Plans for Salt Lake Public Building Being PushcdContract I for Structure Will Be Awarded in July TRIBUNE BUREAU f B01 Fourteenth Street Washington D C April 25 laoi J Among the cases heard today hy the Supreme court was one of the Conir merclal National hank against Alma D Chambers aa Treasurer of Weber county Utah The cane Involves the validity of tuxes levied on 19500 worth of properly belonging to the bunk and was appealed from the Supreme court of Utah where It was decided In favor of ClmmbPia as Treasurer of Weber county The attorneys In the cisc A fl TlcyViOOd for the Commercial National r Na-tional hunk ami J N KImball for the county The foinior made verbal argument argu-ment vhilo the latter submitted a I written brief WUITTISMORK CALLS ON MKIN LKY C C Whittcmore United States District r Dis-trict Attorney for Utah vIio has been in Washington several days In connection connec-tion with th San Pedro Salt Lake railroads rightof ay wise befoic the Interior department allied at the White House today In company with Senator Mllluvd of Nebraska and paid T his respects to the President SALT IRAKIS PUBLIC BUILDING Mr Whltleinore also Called upon the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Taylor in rpferonre to the progress of the work on the Salt Lake public building build-ing pluns and was Informed that thty voillcl be aUfllolently advanced to allow c f advortiHcrticnts for bids some time Jn July and that the construction of tho cnlln1 structure would probably Ijc awarded under one contract Mr Whit temoie will leave for St Louis tomorrow tomor-row whence after consuJUitlon with officials of the Sap Pedro Los Angeles Salt Lake Railroad company he Mill Salt Lake go to nr COICK PRODUCT OF UTAH rite census report on the mapufnc turc of coke which wns given out by the census nfJJCo toduV Hhots thut there was on estiibUhmeiit for the production of that material In operation opera-tion Ini Uluhrln ihc census year 1S9U nit jlhaT fihadftlQVovenH operation Thu nutput of thlr establishment was j 2IISR1 ton or 1 per cent of the total for the United States 1tt7BAf4 FREE DELIVERY Superintendent Machen of the free dpliviiy service will pay special attention atten-tion to the extension of rural free delivery de-livery Kcrvlce In ftah and In other r mountain places during the coming summer A number of applications on file in tho department for routes in the more thickly settled parts of the States and special agents will be detailed de-tailed to make Investigations with a view to the establish men t of routes as soon as the snow disappears from the high altitudes The routes now in operation ope-ration In Utah luLve proved the HUC eJ fl of the service In that section this bring the cause of determination to extend tj ex-tend a PENSIONS GRANTED Utah Reissue Thomas James Frisco fl Fris-co L Idaho I Increase James Morrissey t Houston 5 j I Wyoming Original Thomas illaI1 Rock Springs 8 |