Show I nice Sunday Dinner By tho Chef of the Alta Club Arcgolablo Soup a Illallcnnc Boiled Salmon Prawn Sauce i A Loin of Veal a la Jardlnlcro i 1 i T Potatoes Quenelles x I x Asparagus Cream Sauce t I Cucumber and Onion Salad 1 Rlssolca 1KcossalBC Vegetable Soup a 1Ilallcnne Cut Inline In-line shreds enough carrots turnips parsnips and celery roots all In about equal parts parboil for live minutes then drain Put those vegetables In a saucepan with two ounces of butter 1 and fry for a few minutes till the moisture mois-ture is evaporated Put in one pint of broth then let boll slowly till the vegetables vege-tables ara done then add Itwo quarts good beef broth boll for a few minutes min-utes longer then add a few short pieces of macaroni previously cooked and a t little chopped parsley Pour in a soup tureen and serve Boiled alnion Prawn Sauce Boll a threepound piece of salmon In salted water with a sliced carrot one onion and let boll slowly from lwel1t five to thirty minutes Drain slide on a platter plat-ter and serve with a prawn sauce made as follows Prawn Sauce Have a pint of rich white sauce add some shelled prawn tails the juice of a lemon a little cayenne cay-enne pepp9r and some chopped parsley Loin of Veal a la Jardiniere Have your butcher saw the spine of a nice loin of veal have It rolled and tied Jlrmly put your loin In a large brazlere with a little fat and fry of a nice brown color all around then drain off the fatnddtwo sliced carrots two I onions a bunch of celery parsley nnd l aromatic tied together l one quart of I broth one can of tomatoes cover and cook slowly In a moderate oven turnIng turn-Ing the veal frequently AAJnen done strain the gravy skim off the fat season I sea-son to taste and add to It pome sliced 1 mushrooms a little red beef tongue some white chicftcn meat all cut Jull enneIIke Pour this sauce around your veal and serve very hot Potatoes Quenelles Roast about six large potatoes when done open them and take the pulp out pound very line by rubbing through a fine sieve add a II I little butter nail pepper Ild nutmeg one whole egg and two egg yolks a little chopped parsley then mix well 1 then take two whites of eggs and mix with the potatoes Roll those potatoen the shape and size of a small egg and drop them In salted boiling water lefc boll slowly for a few minutes till they are firm drain well and serve Asparagus Cream Sauce Scrape and wash the asparagus tie In small bunches put In sailed boiling water and cook till tender drain carefully range on afolded napkin and serve i cither with aboWl of melted butter or cream sauce Cucumber nnd Onion Salad Slice I fine some cucumbers and Bermuda onions place them In a bowl with salt and chopped ice for about one hour at serving time drain well aim season with salt and pepper oil and vinegar Rissoles a IEcossalsc Have some puff paste ready spread a thin strip on the table range teaspoonfUls of Scotch marmalade one and a half Inch from the edge and about two Inches apart wet the spaces and the edges fold the edges over the marmalade see that they stick well then cut them with a two jnch round cutter lake as many rissoles you need then dip them in beaten eggs and fry of a nice brown color In plenty of hot lard Sprinkle plenty powdered sugar on top range on a folded napkin and serve F P PANNETIER |