Show FOR QUICK LOANS I CHEAP INTEREST Go to a concern which loans its own money I THE Uome Investment Coo I GLEN MILLER Prcjt CEO SPRAQUB Secy 6810 W First South SL 44 Iilj i f > Mf I t S Do EYSMS so tOe ILo v A nA t Jj 1 Undertaker ranc Embalm I Open All Night Tol 364 213 Stat st Salt Lake City U I = Take i two to = f nigh1t and you will be well tomorrow to-morrow Bald wins Health I Tablets They cure sick = headache = head-ache c 7 tnt roJ i c coflstpation mud I make sick people well = 50 doses 25c SOLD BY F C Schramm Cor 1st So Main Sis Chas Van Dyke 2SO South Main St I L P Robinson 317 S W Temple 1 Parlor Drug Store Cor 2r S Slate GodbcPltls Drug Co 1st So and Main McCoys Prescription Pharmacy Park lon Terrace 3rd E and 5th So Sts Wallace Bros 102 W S Temple St Murray Drug Slore Murray FIGPRUNE CEREAL I I A New > aictliocl of Uolnf Fruit 13 I to prepare It in such a manner that It still retains all of its natural properties prop-erties and then combine It with selected se-lected grains thereby producing a perfect per-fect breakfast beverage This Is the way Plgpruno CereaJ l the substitute for coffee and tea Is made Your grocer sells I Ask for sample I C VIiy Sonic Children nreltcstlcss and nervous even their own mothers are unable to tell Possibly they havo been given coffee or tea 16 drink Fig prune Cereal made from choice California fornia fruits and selected grains is a beneficial substitute Fl prune will feed the nerve centers I will make the child strong and healthy Made like coffee Look like coffee Butj its 51 per cent fruit and 16 per CQnt grain iL I I you dont feel just right substitute I Flffprune Cereal for coffee Its the perfect I per-fect food beverage At grocers ANDERSON INSURANCE AGENCY 101 c i n cf eli TnkA rHv AL UU u I JLLI J 1 Utah ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 1 1000 of the condition of the Glens Pals Insurance Insur-ance Company 1 The name and location ofIhe company GIn Falls Insurances Company Glens Falls New York 2 Name of president J L Cunningham 3 Name of secretary R Al Little 3 I The amount ot Its capital 1 stock IH 20000000 I 5 The amount of Us capital stock paid up IK 20000000 tt The umount of Its asset Is SUSK1777 I The amount Of Its liabilities I liabili-ties Including capital la I 110165703 S The amount of Its Income during tho preceding calendar l01So07C3 endar year 9 The amount of Its exncndl turoK during the preceding calendar year Q075M52 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding cal I ontlur year 45207103 11 The amount of risks written I 1 ten during the year I0G0 12 The amount of risks In I 1 force at the end of the 1762S0762CO year li63i620 SUite of Utah oftke of the Secretarykof State ss I James T Hammond Secretary of State of the Stato Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the above named Insurance company com-pany has tiled in my ofllce a detailed statement of Us condition from which the foregoing statement has hon prepared pre-pared nnd that the rald company has In all other respects eomlln th laws of time State rolatlqfj to Inounutcti In testimony wljcrOof I have hcpiuiUo set my hand and affixed the grout soul of the StatdOt Utah this SOlh rtiy of March A DHJOl SeuUJ J T HAMMOND Secretary of StaLe I iwThe The pure and delightful flavor of choicest imported hops is found in 3 7I Za ° c 53NEMIAM ph KInz of oil Bottled Grero11 Its use as a tonic will prove invaluabl For table use no other beer is its cquaL Its purity is absolute Order from R M GURNSEY Salt Lake City y rd lnly bootttlof ictoa no Certain I 1CCfl renaut > Tjo American bU IrOUlft MoA 1 I F LtSl A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAprOLIO lt 0 0 t G e t f 0 G 00 GC CHiQ fGQ I 1 FiNE 1P GiVEN AW1Y o i U w P1 With every boys suit purchased at our store on Saturday t e 7 JJ Satur-day Our line of childrens and boys clothing Is the beat c Iii ftt to be found anywhere comprising the new uptodate G f I I 11 kinds for child 3 to 7 years the Illlle mannish 3plece C f and blouse suits Prices range g p 1 U suits the sailor Russian G f from 250 to SpO for boys 8 to 16 We show a very large C line in D B Reefer styles the 3pIecc knee suits the e I o I 2piece outing suite with bells to match Price range eon i rf e-on the boys suits from 275 to 1000 better clothing for e I < J3 leas price than youVvc ever seen In Salt Lake Call and n I see time f line Q 6iAYBROS CO 122 Main St Strictly Sash and ne Br ceo ce-o ee > QGG OG 0QQQQ0Q0O G I ClEVElAND CYClIS QccATcQ1 The < Sal Lake Hardware 4 The bearings of a bicycle are ore of the most important < 1 + and vitalparts oVa bicycle im 4 e 1 The famous CLEVE Dlf ABIjUjnC LAN bearings aro one of the features that BJuAtUWD have made that bicyclo 4 so popular the world over Not only is the material the best that 4 can be selected for the purpose but tho greatest care is lavished That this has been obtained upon it to produce absolute accuracy ha e is easily conceived No inequalities or the hard spots in an ad justmoiits are found in either cups or cones All CLEVELAND BEAMINGS are so constructed giving a bearing V bear-ing so nearly approaching absolute perfection that no oil need be used except at great intervals < Cleveland Bicycles from 40 to 75 4 Look for the Sign of the Big Gun 4 + 4 A wholesale liquor house is a peculiar place to purchase Salted Pea nuts and Corn but weve got them Also Pretzels nnd Lunch Herring I lt f 1r I j 1 t II 14 r i I A Successors to B K Bloch Co 3537 West Second South < < p < 3 > O + > 3 fr + oMo + > > iHIO t Goblets I of 1 4 GoodffiIe0 t Thats what we call these j J I i Cool and T I Refreshing l Beverages I 1 f We are serving at our fountain rl 4 And that puts us In mind 4 We never told you that we T I X have put in a new fountain 1 4 I Probably the swellcst this Y 4 country ever saw c Everything is In splendid shape now for warm weather days I youre thirsty when youre t up OUt way drop In 1 Or if I youre not up our way keep your thirst till you get i l here c hereI will pay you + + 1 3 F c SCllRAU I H t Prescription Druggitt I ± Wen the GOTO Stop t McCornick Bldg I I uiI14 i 4oHo z i I I I Do not pay your money nor sign a contract for a piano until you have looked through our Immense stock of Knabe Bverqtt Sleek Hardman Lud vitf Harrington Smith and Barnes and several other good makes of pianos all of which we are positively selling at Eastern prices We always have ai good assortment of sllfehtiy usedj nlanos In stock ranging In prices from 575 up which we will sell at from 55 to 10 per month E N Jenkins Cqj Temp of MUsic 5153 SO MAIN m MIN y 8 aG8 WALLPAPER I WALL-PAPER J 8 Ye have not only 2 f 1 Jt 1 f UJI line rare ui i g i Papers H Two 9 But have cut the borders same I f proportion Rich golds at 20 and g lioc that would grace any parlbr or hall ingrains 25c II See our window see our sclec I tons II 1 I GEOW EBERTCO 1 I E 326 State Phone 873N QJ I COO S o f I I W OPTICAL ADVICE We are prepared to Rive you advice In this matter correct advice timesaving b r sightsaving nervcsavlni advice I We are properly equipped 10 4 > for making thorough and Intelligent 1 In-telligent examination thee the-e S f RlMMp D 2089 ATLAS ELK l DO YOU WANT AN ESSAY WRITTEN 7 will furnish all infor If you do we wi al I the prepa ou will need In mation that you wi neel ration of the paper for encyclopedias We do not sometimes fall when we like to have plenty of lime but If you lke will be If you are we ure In a hurry wi u college student debater n speaker club woman 6r I if you cole belong to society ceukcr where you have to prepare a puper WE WILL WRITE IT testimonials from Our voluntary tcstmonlalf prominent people all over tho country are proofs of the fnU I eton we give Rarely la I the subject too dlfllcult for narel making us to handle long experience IL c9mparallvely cany for us to furnish you what you want We collect Information of any kind that appears in the press of the country coun-try paying particular attention to the t Western and Intermountaln region I Hates ester may be had on application I I I The Intermountain Press Clipping Bureau I J T GOODWIN IGR Tribune LJldg P O Box 1074 Salt Lake City Ulah THE LATEST FAD ALICE WEILSEN BRACELET I Largest stock and lowest prices E LICBLTENSTEUT Jeweler I 211 Slain street opposite Kenyon Hotel At Our Risk t This Is our proposition I Buy a sack of our flour and I give It a trial If It dont suit I lake It backnndget your I money bnck I makes no 1 difference how much or how little you have used llteOU uslers Flour G SPEED TELLS THAT IS WHY THE Tribune ColnmMa > I lead Come I Bicycles are In the > In and see about them and we will give you a few pointers I about wheels Tribune Roadster S 1000 Tribune Blue Streak50 Columblas 15000 I We have baseball goods to Interest In-terest you I y I WESTERN ARMS C SPORI GOODS C I 115 S Main > > O QQ oi aG0 ge i SPECIAL SAL ON BOYS I CHILDRENSCLOTIllNI AND O iOn i-On account of cold weather and > C late season we offer our immense co f P e mense stock of boys and chil G drens clothing at e a G 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT From our1regular prices Q 1 MH DESKY 2iC 1 Two entrances Xo 205 5o Main and 10 E 2nd SoOn t O 0ae0 OCeOD S BENNETT GLASS AND i PAINT COMPANY Successors to I SEARS GLASS PAINT CO 3 j Are the Glass and Paint People o Utah 0 Utnl 2 No6 WEST FIRST SOUTH o 13 their number 2 Vienna Ladies i I Taifloring ompany Tailormade suits to order Perfect ilL A call will convince you ft 155 S Main Salt Lake NOT the CHEAPEST but the BEST M OR MQ Steam and Hot Water lii kJ It1 tNJS Heating Apparatus Ro Jo MORAN Soard ot Trcdo Bldg W 2nd Q Calt lAto City TJtak T TNION ASSAY OFFICE UNON OFFICE 3J S HANAUER Manager Removed to 152 South W Temple SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will receive prompt attention Analytical work a specialty Send for Anolytcal 1t TOHU MVICKEB JOH Mvc ASSAY OFFICE NO 150 MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY I Ores carefully assayed Samples sent from n distance pcoraplly attended to utendcd and returns made tho lollowlus day Charcco reasonable folowin T W OUJOBIE lASSAYBE I J + 1 W 3rd South alt 1ato City I Prompt attention given to all ordora by reasonable moll or crurcss Charges uaiiform and alt EaR Owter Sal Jak nUl Geo D Pyper Manager J SPECIAL POPULAR KATINEE fK1 Today at 1525 aid SOc entaW I taW Last Time TONIGHT > 1 Jntu igar NEIL BURGESS Tod HIMSELF I IN HIS BIG REVIVAL OP < The County Fair Same Magnificent Producllon that Played 4t In Now York City Four Solid Years w Thoroughbred Race HorSes SEE Three Dash bm t Full J Running n 7 Mile h Fl 0 a View of Audience ALT LAKE TUEATER L EAT F LttI S ALE JA A = i P HEBNES Ji HRNS fettitf3 LIFAG N Y Production ARBOR 2 NIGHTS I t IL L Iu rj Friday and Saturday ° fro QO May 3 and 4 c WILL BEGIN WED MAY 1ST f mrtc2kJ k j HkjJ e Night prices 1CO I 100 75c GOc 25c Bar j l t gain nt2r 75e 1D Katharine B Olivers Last Recital Tonight I tCh t R R BERT BURNS II ili f fhit i first Presbyterian Church Admission 35 cents Ji SPEND A PLEASANT HOUR f AT TUB tTl Salt Lake Mot Springs f l i SANITARIUMuiioii f i UloV The Finest Bathing t Hcsurr Irt l the W f1 0 ki PorcelaIn Lined Tubs Private l Plunges l n 01 Large Swimming Pool 25c t I Open day and night Fine Turkish Bath Dcparimciil ll j Tho Sanitariumfi W Third South t l t ii rr c t01Ic l o eIu1 Ksbkr r EAItDsCEYT t r t r 1 i t J r I trc I A ScllBhlful Comedy blt I Time 4 Pr nt mLI n I Characters I = I Tailormade Girl kWl I Young Man About Town I t tat I Plot nf A Good Dinner P Place The Tavern o Course I t Ii j Walters cooks and incidental Q I appointments by the I 5 I Tavern stan f I I I r I 7 1s i SEASONS OPENING I I Wo want everybody In Ulah to Islt t our flunk Department and us in lmlii r tl lfl ment to do so we shall cut our ell t r I price down TWENTYFIVE PER Cfci Yii ion i-on the following New Spring Giirmcnls j We have hundrudu of other tilings wliltli rI fr we want yon to see and which you will 3 j buy later on when you know what they f 1 can be bought for 25 per cent off Ladles New Spring Suits I r Sltlrts per cent oft Ladles New Spring Dre 3 tl 1f X 25 per cent off Ladles New Spring Pet 1 i cents j IJ 25 Coats cCU por cent oft Ladies l New Spring Box It 25 per cent off Ladles New Spring ClimeS lb T Z per cent off Misses New Spring Suits t 23 per cent off Misses New Spring Box J b Coats tZ 25 per cent oft Childrens New Spring Box 1 Coals i 2 CoalS plr cont or Infants Long Cream t Coats l 1 I 25 per cent off Infants Short 1 Crcam Coats l i L hiRe R It 1IIOMASI If 676971 S Main St 1 1r t l I < iZAnf r I I I rG r d zF 9 9 1 S8 Y Ln4Li m j L 0DYRt0Hv JL The Question of Watches Is largely a mailer of tnate nowadays the various makes being so nearly lalng equal In timekeeping qialltlcs I ol there Is any difference of dtgree surely k none can excel the tlmepcces wo so l confidently offer you that vc guarantee i theIr precision and nccunny In plain KM and fancy cases we haw an Infinite m variety PiuTAI D11 k Jeweler oyu IL CUE B 170 Main A lii Successor to Joslin Park Warranted to be the f f BesL ROYAL tID BREAD t lay |