Show FOR BUSY PEUPLE Strike disturbances have occurred at A7rmI colliery province of Seville Spain V6men qucnchcvl the fires In the mines and compelled UK miners to so out and I It In I feared the mine will bo flooded i Tim EmperorS sprechee delivered yes rduy it Lkmn and which again contained Unn wined strong prorcllglous passages J do 1 not hail approval In the German Liberal press but Ire hailed enthiiHltmtlcnlly by tho Protestant and Catholic organs I I Is announced by Harry M Bates I secretary of the Society of Michigan Alurnnl association that the football team would make a holiday trip to the 1 Pacific coast next winter nnd play both l Stanford and California universities Francisco Crlspl the distinguished Italian statesman has just had n narrow escape from serious Injury According to I 1 dispatch from Rome ho upset a lamp in his study Tho flames spread rapidly and tim servants rescued him only with tho utmost dllllculty With the score of 2 to 0 to their credit and with three games In good and safe I positions the American representatives have cxcollcnl cause to hope for victory In th excolenl International chess match by cable bfelwccn Columbia Harvard side and tho Yalo and Princeton on ono sdo an I combined British unlvmsilica of Oxford I and Cambridge I In accordance with the announcement I mada by the Chief Justice lasl Monday tho United Slates Supremo court has suspended sus-pended tho call of cases for argument until the reconvening of court next October I Octo-ber The court will meet next Monday to announce opinions and then will take t there will I a recess until Alay 13th when I bo another announcement of opinions |