Show CONFERENCE ABOUT CUBA Commission and Secretary Root Discuss Dis-cuss Several Problems Washington April 2G There was another an-other conference at the War department depart-ment this afternoon between the Cuban commission and Secretary Root lastIng last-Ing more than three hours At this sitting not only the political relations of the United States and Cuba were discussed but much time I was doyoted to the economicfiuesUlonH such as the possibility of a reduction of the tnrlfC on sugar and general reciprocity arrangements ar-rangements between this country and Cuba No statement official or otherwise could be obtained from the delegation as to the progress that was made during dur-ing the conference today nor would the delegates go so far as to say they were satisfied While It Is believed by the United States officials whQ Mere present at the conference today that everything that possibly could be explained ex-plained by this Government had been gone Into yet if the Cubans desire to make furthor inquiries they will lie given the opportunity It Is bpjleved by the United States officials that avery a-very fair understanding has been cached and the complete report of the Interviews with the Secretary which the delegation will take back to the convention Will have a very satl factofy icsult uppu the members of that body |