Show SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The mineral painters reception and exhibit will open today al oclock at Wajkors store and remain open until G o clock and on Saturday from 10 10 oclock until 9 In the evening Several Sev-eral hundred pieces of decorated china by Ogden and Salt Lake decorators will be on exhibition A large delegation delega-tion from Ogden is expected i > S > Mrs W A Nelden left for Easton Pa yesterday afternoon where she was summoned by I the serious illness of her mother i a SAt S-At the national Congress of Mothers lo be held at Des MoInes la beginning begin-ning May 21st Mrs Clarence E Alien of this city will respond to the addresses ad-dresses of welcome on behalf of Iho Western Stales and Territories During the absence of Mrs Nelden all business relating lo the free traveling travel-ing library work will be in charge of Mrs D Ilemnhili S Mrs Andrew Gllson and mother Mrs Lusby of Ogden are visiting in Salt Lako for a few days The Womans Relief corps of lie McKean post held a very pleasant rc cuptfon at the home of Mrs W F Hills yesterday afternoon Between sixty and seventy guests were present and enjoyed a unlquo guessing contest con-test The orisics beautiful pictures were won by Sirs Teaadel and Mrs Shill Mrs W S Glesy bus returned from a two months visit at her old home in northern Ohio A meeting of the programme committee commit-tee of the U F W C to arrange for the annual meeting in October next will bo held this morning at Mrs Royles rooms in the Kenyon The Tabernacle choir will celebrate Prof Evan Stephenss birthday this year June 28th by i giving an excursion to Saltair The Idea was also suggested at lie regular practice meeting last evening thai as many of ihe members of the choir as possible take a trip to Brighton this summer spending two og three days at that resort Nothing definite was decided upon with regard lo tills project but a good many of the members were favorably Impressed and It may be carried out c A a Mrs A J Beverldge leaves today for a short visit to Cache valley From there she will go to Ecuador South America on a visit to her husband who Is engaged In mining there i k At the art lecture tonight to be given by airs A W MeCune Levi Richards Will operate a steroojUIcon t 5 S The ladies of Naomi Rebekah lodge No 1 gave a largely attended card party par-ty last evening at the Odd Follows rooms in the Market street building In aid of the Scofleld sufferers The game was progressive highlive and about JSO VSIG realized The evening was go much enjoyed that It was 31 oclock before the company adjourned |