Show The monopoly organ gives tiK o oer the newly Snarl flUthOLI0tl It Is to be 1OPeC1 C1atcllao ihiey roafl fli that th Salt ucep Lakc thiIio franchi giving It a direct wlilcl elty will bo frame j ° with 3flra1ce Into ift to ihi rlphtM of tli uhblf r crcnco yet ben 0 IUblic It bjpn explained LhiJtnllafl not why o < this mud have s a certain aLrJii company or whv It cnnnSt itreet or none cannot come Imo ° ftL al strrfu tliat are already ui rclty ovr purposrs No proBreaSvp rallway to shut out any railrOad ClttZen desires to become a convenlenco tn8l 1 > rpn > lsc a factor In tho dovclonmi tn ri ° public or nt hut thp ot demands or all th Sta0 gouM bo kept wUhln icttcii eorporafl5 linthtt It Is well to do the wns for the city al but there Is Son why this rule shoUidIot no ra I existing monopolies apply to Comitm ihi as well as to non tlona should not only be kept within reasonable limitations when th < v reek to establish new avenues of transportation transporta-tion and commerce but the demands and exactions ot established corporations corpora-tions should also be kept within reasonable rea-sonable HmlUUIona Tim same rule should apply to all but the rule of exclusion ex-clusion against competitors and of favoring fa-voring established monopolies is against the public welfare The organ of monopoly should take its own medicine medi-cine |