Show Vj The iWJYJ for am jfiapzsi y 1900 1 Green leaves and blossoms and sunny warm weather And singing and lovingoil come back together While every afternoon al three We have our Pride of Japai I Tree f Tea Absolutely tree trcm cdutleretlonj I CASTOR IIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears tho Signature of IILVF ST1C FO LAUDY Has been consbnlly USED BYMILLIONS slI over the world FOP FIFTY YEARS A Curo Guaranteed or Money Bcundodl A Positive Cure for GONORRHCEA and GLEET I Price S2 For palo by all drugistc MfrT 1y Antiseptic Chemical Co N Y Net < lenIud on Vettcrn Agents k Are You Rtiptured If you want a truss GO where you can get all kinds and an expert to fit them Private fitting room Abdominal Bandages and Elastic Stockings Mall orders solicited SMITH DRUG CO 2nd So and Main it Salt Lake City NO CURE NO PAY t Imi t41 If you oro iomnll vrraV undeveloped roi tri iluL unde-veloped or have nominal law < t oar Ehh1 cf tl Ixxil Vicuum Developer wilt rc tl Il iL t1 Ftoro you without drugs orolrclrlc Lu U U ma Li u Itji 3040 in TIIOJ noon rnllaro not one rotumnl no C O P fruij call or Trite for pnrtlTil nt Kv > lcd In plnln envelope LOCAL APPLIANCE CO AU Charloj elk Denver Cole A080 VVATSO1N Th1 u 0 0 Funeral Director and JJiUJI ti1IdiIVitaL1censed Embnlmer Tel 415 Parlors opp Postofflco J 1EN 1 I liEN your stomach fai s to digest onr food Toni aro hcund to bo elck for you cuat Rot along without thn nutrition yrlilch comas from n good cilocution Your tomacli is trout sivo it atrcnph Electricity propony appliou vrlll cure your etomnch My twenty years ozporlanca boo brought forth duo Dr Mclaughlin Method which is i diGfcrout from nil other plans of nsine oloctrlclty It Burcwls In caring wham all others nil because know how to nso electricity electri-city for the cur ot disoas Call loilAy or bond for mr book fro or M MCLAUGHLIN 935 10th St Denver Cole BILL NO rS FOR AN ORDINANCE prohibiting keeping open ortnln places of busincss on Sunday and repealing all ordinances In conlllct therewith Section 1 Bo U onlalned by the City Council of Salt Luke Oily Slnto of Utah that every person who keeps open on Sunday any store workshop bnr saloon banklnghnuso or other plnco of business for tho purpose oC transacting business thorcln Is punlshublo by fine not less than live nor more than ono hundred dollars dol-lars Sec 2 The provisions of the preceding section do not apply to persons who on Sunday keep open hotels boardinghouses boarding-houses ballis restaurants taverns livery liv-ery stables or retail candy cigar or drugstores drug-stores for the Icgltlmalo business of each or such manufacturing establishments ay are usually kept In continued operation Sec 3 All ordinances and parts of or dlnances In conlllct herewith arc hereby repealed This ordinance shall take effect and bo In force from and after Us appro al Passed by ihe City Council of Salt Lake Oily Utah May 1 IPuO and referred to the Mayor for his approval Scalj R C NAYLOR Clly Recorder Approved this 2nd day or May WIt 15BRA THOMPSON Mayor State of Utah City and County of Salt Lake I R C Ntxylor City Recorder of Salt Lake City State of Utah do hereby ccr Mfy I that the above and foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of un ordinance ordi-nance entitled An ordinance prohibiting prohibit-ing keeping open certain places of busi all ordinances ness on Sunday and repealing nances In conlllct therewith Passed hy the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah May 1 1PCO and approved by tIme Mayor May 2 19CO as appears of roe orl In my office In witness whereof r hao hereunto set my hand and afllxed the corpornle seal or Suit Lake City this 3rd day of May 1000 R C NAYLOR Seal City Recorder BILL NO S2I FOR AN ORDINANCE making It unlawfull lo allow dead trees the side or tree slumps lo remain on walks In front of pnmlsos or growing weeds lo remain on sidewalks and lots Be It ordained by time City Council of Salt Uike City Stale of Utah Section 1 H shall bo unlawful for any person persons or corporations owning or having the rental or management of any real estate within lImo corporilo him Its of said cit to permit any load trees or tree stumps lo remain on the sidewalk or sidewalks In front of their properly I or In front of the properly which they control or manage Soc It shall be unlawful for any person persons or corporations owning or having time rental or inanncomaiil of any real estate within thin corporate limits of said city lo allow growing weeds to remain re-main on the sidewalk or sidewalks In front of heir property or on their lots or on the property which Ihoy control or manage Soc i It Is hereby mndo the duty of the Supervisor of Streets lo notify all owning or aprcnts having control persons of real estate In said city of the provisions provi-sions of this ordinance and If after live dayu nollcc they fall to removo dead trees or tree stumps on their nldewnlks or to cut and remove weeds from their sidewalks or lots shall on conviction thereof bo fined In any sum not cxcccd Incr llfty dollars Soc I This ordinance shall lake offerl from and aflor UP passage and approval Passed by the Oily Council of Salt Lake City Utah May 1 1W50 and referred lo the Mayor for his approval Seal R C NAYLOR City Recorder Approved this 2nd day of May KW EPA THOMPSON Maxor State of Utah City and County of Salt Lake 1 R C Naylor CIty Recorder of Salt Luko Pity State of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the above and foregoing Is a full true nnd correct copy of an ordinance ordi-nance entitled An ordinance making It unlawful to allow dead trees or tree In to remain on the sidewalks mumps words to front of premiss or growing sidewalks and lolH remain Passed on by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah May 1 1WX and approved by th Mayor May 2 1000 as appears of record rec-ord In my office set witness whereof I have hereunto In and affixed lime corporate seal I mv hand 10 > I of Salt Lake City this 3rd day of MMV13 NAYLOI1 H C Seal City Recorder NOTICE Owners of cattle horses and sheep are that 1 will bo at the ofilco of 13 notified I I H CalllHter H3 South West Temple I utrs4it Salt Lake City from May 21th tot to-t isth to rn lvo applications to graze on I Vliitah forest reserve Owners must np I plv In person CEO F BLTCITBR I t7W Supervisor IIl BILL NO 3SS FOR AN ORDINANCE conllrmlng the nsscsumcnt of tax set forth In the assessment lists made by iho Treasurer of Salt Lake City us corrected and male by the CIty Council Coun-cil pitting ns a board of equalization nnd review upon time property on iho westside west-side of Fourth liniu street between First and Second South streets within stwer district No 1 and on the north side of First South street from n point 2TT feet cast of EKvonth East stre l to ThIrteenth Kant street and on tho oust sldo of Thlrltunlh East Street from First South to Second South streets within sewer district No 1 Section 1 13o It ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah that the as9essrnonts set forth In the assessment lists made by tIme Treasurer of Salt Luko City as corrected approved and com pl H Hl by hue City Council sitting as aboard a-board of equalization and review upon Iho poperty on the wont side of Fourth East street between First and Second South streets and upon the property on the north sIde of First South street from a point 1275 feel Coal ot ISUvonth East street to Thirteenth Kant street and on the Kist side of Thirteenth East street BoUvccn First and Second South streets all within sewer district No 1 of Salt bake City Is hereby confirmed amid time nssessnunts made and returned In saId approved corrected and completed lists ar < hereby conllrmed Sec 2 This ordinance shall lake effect and bo In force from and after Us approval ap-proval Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah May S 10CQ and referred to the Mayor for his approval R C NAYLOR City Recorder Approved this 10th day of May 19CO EZRA THOMPSON Mayor State of Utah city anti county 01 oun Lake I R C Nnylor City Recorder of Salt Lake City State of Utah do hereby cer tlfv lint the above and foregoing Is a J I full true and correct copy of un ordinance entitled An ordinance confirming the assessment of tax set forth In the assessment assess-ment lists made by the Treasurer of Sale Lako City nit corrected and made by limo City Council sitting as a board of equalization equali-zation and review upon the properly on time west side of Fourlh East street bu Iween First and Second South street within sewer district No 1 and on tho north side of IIrst South street from a polnl 1273 feet east of Eleventh East street to Thirteenth East street and on tIme cant sIde of Thirteenth East street from First South to Second South street within power district No 1 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah Lay 8 1MO and approval by tine Mayor May 10 1000 as appears of record rec-ord In my office In wItness whereof T have hcreunlo set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of > f Salt Lake City this lOlh tIn > of May 1000 R C NAYLOR 1000S City Recorder tU > l By J O Nystrom Deputy Tax Levy Sewer 53 BILL NO at AN ORDINANCE LEVYing LEVY-Ing the tax and for the assessment of tho property on the south side ofSec ond South street from First West slre < t Second and to a point midway between Third West streets and or the north side of Second South street from Second to Third West HtrcMs within GOWOT district dis-trict No 1 also on the south side of Second South street from a point midway mid-way between Second and Third West streets lo Third West street In power i district No 2 for time purpose of laying sewers along said porilons of said streets Section 1 Be It ordained by the City I Council of Salt Lake City that said City I Council doth hereby levy time tax and provide pro-vide for lie assessment upon the followIng follow-Ing blocks lots and parcels of land lucre inaftcr described abutting on tho south I side of Second South street from First West street to a point midway between Second and Third West streets and on the north side of Second South street from Second to Third Went street within sewer district No 1 also on south side of Second South street from a point midway between Second and Third west streets lo Third West street within sewer sew-er district No 2 Salt Lake City This tax Is levied to defray the expense of of constructing sewers on said portions said streets opposite time blocks lots amid parcels of land hereinafter described to bo especially affected and benefited by said Improvements and It IK hereby adjudged determined and established that judged the same will be especially affected and benefited by said Improvements and said blocks lots and parcels oC land abutting upon said portions of saId streets herein described ns being within sower district No 1 arc hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate In accordance1 with tIne linear foot frontage upon those portions of said streets to bo Improved within sewer district No 1 fronting on wild portions por-tions of said streets and of a depth of twentyfive feet back from said streets and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed as-sessed upon snld blocks lots and parcels of land abutting upon said perilous of Bald streets within ewer district No 1 Is 21450 or SlSO per front foot and tIme City Treasurer Is hereby authorized to ns ies3 In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and for the purposes herein here-in mentioned all of lots 5 I fi 7 and S block CO all of lot 0 block 61 all of lots 1 2 3 and 4 block CG plat A Salt Lake City survey land Said blocks lots and parcels of abutting upon said portions of said streets heroin described as being within sewer district No 2 arc hereby assessed at an and uniform rate In accordance equal wllh the linear foot frontage upon lhat portion of ald street lo bo Improved fronting on within sower distrIct No 2 sold portion of said street and of a depth of twentylive feet back from said portion of said street and the tax hereby levied bo assessed upon said blocks lot and to and parcels of land abutting upon said portion of said street within seVer district dis-trict No 2 Is 7750 or SL7i per front fool and the City Treasurer is hereby with authorized lo assess In accordance tho provisions of this ordinance and for all of lot heroin mentioned time purposes 5 block il plat A Salt Lake City survey said Those levies of tax arc made upon blocks lots and parcels of land ns they the official and are shown upon appear of said city and of a depth of plat or map of iwcntyflve foot back from the front of land said property lots and parcels abutting upon said portions of said streets Sec 2 This ordinance shall bo In force from and after Us approval Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah May 1 1000 and referred to the Mayor for his approval R C NAYLOR City Recorder Approved this 2nd day of May 1CCO EZRA THOMPSON Mayor State of Utah City and County of Salt Lake I R C Naylor City Recorder of Salt Lake City Stalo of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the above and foregoing Is a full true and correct copy of an ordinance ordi-nance entitled An ordinance levying tIme tax and for time assessment of time nropor ly on the south side of Second South street from First West street to a oolnt midway between Second and Third West streets and on the north sldo of second South Street from Second to Third West streets within sewer district No 1 also on the south side of Second South street Second and from a point midway between Third West streets to Third West street In sower district No 2 for the purpose nC laying sewers along said portions of said streets Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah May 1 1WK and approved by the Mayor May 2 1COO as appears of record I rec-ord In my office In witness whereof T havo hereunto set mv hand and affixed time corporate HOJI of Salt Lake City this 3rd day of May 1MO Seal R C NAYLOR City Recorder NOTICE I desire a I this time lo publicly thank Mr n F Redman for the valuable free advertising ho hue given me throuRh time at the oxpcnw of Iho B it O Trans press still Inlor T In which um fer company I wish Furthermore cslcd to mv sorrow vlth the to xlatc that I am connected Transfer company al 71 West Merchant1 South stropt nine Vans and Second wlnh to thank all my old friends for tho liberal patroiiiigo tended mo In the pajt TCSlCCttulhY auk for a share of your and respect huvlness which will receive time muauuie future careful and faithful attention It ban In the past BLACKMAHR Signed 13 D pleasure to havo the Blue Vnnn Its a 17K move you Private and Chronic Diseases of Ren CONSULT Menoafforlnrrfromovilof foctaof youthful indltcro J tlonnoyrildliEjonorTLcoa loot utrioturo noxual weakness vnricocolo unnatural t 1ti I un-natural discharger lost vitality failing memorY uw uufllacsfl to marry blood r in lldaoy or private dlo ii oaK3 ore BpcodHy cured i HR COOK humus dpoat Lch4 yearn of persistent study iir amid experience in lib own J practice ond amonjr Uio larccat Eastern hospitals DOCTOR COOK m curing tbls clam of ds you permanent euro oases audwin guarantee thousands who at modornto cost XI o han cured All private thoir cases hopeless loltcnj thought blank CoaBoltntiou free Write for question Medlcloca coat free from obscrvnlion t CooknedlcalCojfoaCurUaStDcavcrCoU ASSESSMENT SO 1k Lion Consolidated Mining company Office Of-fice amid principal place of business StIt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting 4 meet-ing of the directors held on tlio ISth day It1 of April 10 an assessment of A of l cent imer i sharf was levied on all tho Shares of Iho capital stock of the corporation cor-poration issued and outstanding payable on or before Juno 2 1900 to the secretary secre-tary nt bin office at T R Jones Con bank No 150 Main street Salt Lako City Utah Any stock upon which the assessment assess-ment may remain unpaid on the 2nd day of Juno 1500 will be delinquent and advertised ad-vertised for sale at public auction and unless payment Is made before no many of the shares represented by each ccrtlfi calri of the stock mo delinquent ns may bo necessary will be sold on the 20th day of June 1000 at 10 oclock a m to pay tho delinquent assessment togclhor with the cost of advertising and expense of sale V P LYNN Secretary By order of the hoard of dlrftclora Salt Lako City Utah April 2S 1200 ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO 7 Joe Bowers Extension Mining company a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Utah Location oC principal l prin-cipal place ot business Salt Lake City I Utah Notice IB hereby giver that at a mcct F Ing of the directors held on the 20th day J 1 of Apr 1500 an asucjsmcnt of one cent I I per share was levied on the capital stock Iof the company payable on or before the 21st day of May itCW to the secretary and treasurer room 31fl D F Walker building Salt Lako City Utah Any stok upon I wM h tbs oBSp Tnont shall remain un paid on time said 21st day ot May win bo i delinquent and advertised for sale at public pub-lic auction amid unless payment IB mado before will bo sold on time Sin day of ii June 1000 lo pay the delinquent assessment assess-ment together with tho cost of advcrtls i lag and expense of sale I F A DRUEHL Secretary 3 Room 313 B F Walker building o003 DELINQUENT NOTICE EulonSa Mining c timing Company Salt Lake City Utah There are delinquent upon the follow hag described stock on account of assessment assess-ment levied on tim COth day of March 1900 the several amounts set opposite the i names of the respective shareholders 03 follows Ii Cert No No Shares Amt 4s A Ekman 10000 000 5J A Ekman J 10000 5000 GJ A Ekman 10tOOO GOO 10L H Season 1000 500 u 3CJ S Free 2COO 1000 I 41J S Free 1000 soo 12J S Free 1000 5CW 4ii S Free 3C C 833 5L S Murdock 200 1000 I 4W R Clark 1000 501 75J S Free 3000 1503 73T S Free f000 2300 7GJ S Free 5000 CoCn 77J S Free GOCiO 2T 00 a oIj S Murdock 1000 500 Elizabeth Dooley EOO 250 i ss L Slaughter GOO 250 ECMrs J G Kimball 100 500 i t 91 David Margclts 1000 500 101 John T llodson 1000 COO 123 David Margctts 1000 500 i 12SJ S Free 2000 1000 Frco 30CO 3500 12aJ S 130W R Wallace 2500 1250 I 131W F Smith 2500 3250 I IK Annie J COpe COO 250 liS W F Smith 1000 500 3 1DJ Henry Quaylo Z5I 32W 1 137 Jacob Rock 2500 3250 lltG K Corker MO 20 I HrG B Corker HOO 20 ISO hB Bruff lOCO 5CO 1C3 TJavld Margctts 2500 3250 17uToo Obendorfei 5000 2300 370C W Peck Jr10000 WOO 1S2 Will Browning 5000 2500 isO B Green 5000 SW u5fl I > Colburn 1000 500 I 16It I j Colburn 3000 500 157R L Colburn MO 250 1SD J Norton 10000 5000 100V P Wells 3000 3oW 201B G Ilansen 5000 2500 2COJ A Ekman 3000 500 l 2ti 1J IL Ekman 1000 5OT 232J A Ekman 1000 501 i 2Z3J A Ekman 1000 501 And In accordance oC the law and order or-der of the board of directors made on iho COth day of March 1200 so many shares IK I of each parcel of stock as may bo necessary neces-sary will be sold at the office of the com iany 110 D F Walker bulldinpr Salt Ldiko City Utah on the 2lth day of May 1900 at 12 oclock noon to pay dclfmiuont assessment together vlth cost of advertising J adver-tising cind expenses of sale L D YOUNG Secretary By order of the board of directors Salt Lako City Utah May 7 1900 ASSESSMENT XO 7 Delinquent Notice MaxGolit Mining Company Principal office 212 Main street city oC I Suit Lake Slalo of Ulah Location oC works and mines Armenia Hip Cottonwood I Cotton-wood mining district Salt Lake county State of UtahNOTICE NOTICE Thero are delinquent on tIme following 1 described stock on account of assessment It No 7 levied on the 3rd day of March I iCe the several amounts sot opposite time mimes of time respectIve shareholders as I follows No No Name Cert Shares Amt ei George W Abbott13 500 1500 Z George W Abbott 70S 1211 il2 Mrs K B Batcholder 700 250 Henry Batcholdcr 710 G75 6073 Lymnn Balchelder 711 G5 KZi Samuel B Bird 712 mi 3375 Nancy Balcholdor 713 275 217 Mrs LAman Batchcldor 715 50 150W C S ColllnB C63 300 W C S Collins 25S 30 130 I C S Collins 717 3Sm C4U D W Cowdry 3 m 2 > JOO D W Cowdry 23S sou 720 Mrs J K Do Wolfe ILI 300 3 C0 Seth 11 Dole 32 200 3800 Benjamin F Smith 2S f 00 500 W F James 100 1000 rooo W F James 7SO 23i 2151 John P Newell 3S MO 4500 John P Newell 233 200 38 CO John P Newell 338 roo 4301 Mary B Newell 2 < o 300 000 1 1 Mary B Newell 356 30 900 William 1 Nichols C30 3000 9000 William I Nichols C07 00 sieo I William I Nichols CSS 100 900 O P Thompson GG SKO 79200 James Turner IS 230 2250 Cyrus W VailacelT GOO 4500 Cyrus W Wallace 230 1001 SOCO Georgo TJ Nyc CS 0 i loO George 14 Nyc 752 2 IS J If Wooilman 70 < J 50 150 f J H Woodman 753 13 317 Joel Perham estate 756 600 1500 t And In accordance with law and an order or-der of time board of directors made on the 3rd day oC March 3000 so many shares oC each parcel of stock as may bt necessarY t will bo sold at the banking office of ul Ic Cornlck Co In the city of Salt Lake State of Utah on Monday the 2Slh day of May 1900 at time hour of 2 oclock In limo afternoon of sold date to pay tho delinquent 1 linquent assessment thereon toyother with the costa of advertising and expense of sale ARTHUR L THOMAS JR Sjcrctary it Office of Maxfield Mining Co 21i Main street Salt Lako City Utah Dated May 11 1000 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that B D Black niaiT Is no longer In the employ of or connected with the B O Transfer tt authority MoreajUIlo company and has no make contracts ity lo collect or receive money tracts or transact any business on account ac-count of said company Dated this 3 > lh day of March 1KO I B O TRANSFER MERCANTILE By CO B F Rodman Manager rlM7 If NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS m Affico of the Board of Public Works Salt fav 10 1SCO I May Luke City Scaled proposals will bo received at thli office until 730 oclock p m Friday Jun t j water c the following furnishing 1 1800 for II meierb a Inch j 2 < 0 t Inch 3 F 1 Inch 4 CO 2 Inch 33 1 inch i 1t 4 1 to bidders specification Instructions form for contract and bond may bu in U and obtained upon application at the office ot m t tIme Board of Public Works and The right la reserved to reject nny all bids Works ii Public By order of the Board of JOHN K DOOLY Chairman ANNUAL i NOTICE OF STOCK HOIjDERS NUAL MEETING ii Notice Is hereby given lhat time annual r meeting ot iho stockholder of the Bun held at kor Hill Mining company will J bo Ml i rooms Nofc limo olllce of the company building Sale LIKO t Walker and 312 D F Uttnli on City Salt Lake county State of biaj 4 lC tnt 2 0 clock Jimmie ltloumdmuy t i I electing iiCVetl ji iii or time miurposo of and I rectors to sorvo for tIme eymsuiimg yctir J Lu traumsmuct suchm otitci bumhmvSS IS may before hiI iimeotiuig legally come P B WJLSU SeeiptarY I > April 1 12e0 slC1 i I Bill Lalw City Utah > I |