Show YELLOW TAIL A WINNER California Bred Colt Had it All His Own Way OPENING DAY AT ST LOUIS I Day Was an Ideal One But tho Track I Was Four or Tivo Seconds Slow Owing to the Rain of Wednesday Bookmakers Cut Night Eighteen in nnd Did a Bushing Business Tho Inaugural Handicap Only Classic Event on Card Brought OutField Out-Field of Six Horses St Louis May 1iThc St Louis Fair association Inaugurated its annual wprlng and summer meeting today Under un-der very favorable auspices The day was an Ideal one for the sport bul tho track was four or five seconds slow owing to the rains of the night before and In consequence poor time was the rule A big crowd was presenl not wllhslandlng the Door iransporlailon facilities to the lair grounds and condition con-dition of affairs being caused by the street car strike Eighteen bookmakers cut In and did a rushing business The only classic event on the card tho Inaugural handicap brought out a field of six only fair class horses Yellow I Yel-low Tall the California bred colt was the only high class animal In the bunch and on account of his good performances perform-ances on the Pacific coast WHS mad premier cholot > nt S to f > Yellow Tall showed his class by winning all the way Nandora was hopelessly lat n at the Quarter but the balance of ho Held remained hunchfd behind the CalIfornia Cal-ifornia colt all the way to the wliv At the last furlong Pole Matthews brought Thrivi out of the bunch with n IIJ hand h-and made a game hid for lie load but lie could not overtake the flying leader Yellow Tail passing the post an open length In advance of Thrive tl lid hone h-one and 1 a halt lengths In front of Dukr of Baden third The time 11111 1 1 1 1 was good considering the condition of the track I Results iirst race tor mrcoyearoms ana upward selling mile Russel R won Klondike Queen second Old Fox third Time 117 Second race purse 100 for three t yearolds and upward one mile and twenty yards Leo Planter won lId tic Bard second Connie Lee third Time 1J7 1J7Third Third race purse 100 for twoyear olds five furlongsFred Hcssig won I I The Mecca second Zackford third Time lOali I I Fourth t I race Inaugural I handicap I I purse 32000 for ihreeyparolds l and up I i ward ono mileYellow Tail 107 Thorpe S to t 5 won by l one length t Thrive lOG r Matthews 4 1 to 1 second sec-ond Duke of Baden 108 Vltatoe C to 1 third Time 14Pi Laureate Pinochle Pin-ochle and Nan oru also ran Fifth race purse 400 for threaypnr olds six furlongs Miss Mae Day won Ida Ledford second Eltlerlm third Time 117 Sixth race mile i I Lord Neville wrn Llvadla second Kings Highway tnlrd Time 1H535 BEATEN IN LAST JUMP His Excellency and Batten Run a Great Race Louisville Ky May 17 Though there were five starters In the mile free handicap today the race dll1dl dow d-ow n In the end to a fierce duel bet be-t ween Tom McDowells threeyearold I colt His Excellency and the great i handicap horse Batten 1 years old j lately sold by Mr McDowell for 10000 to Millionaire S S Brown of Plllsburg I At the weights the two seemed matched on even terms and at the finish they t wore lighting it out for a sixteenth of u I mile nose and nose I Ills Excellency received l a great cheer from the I excited spectators as he got his nostrils In front and beat Batten In the last Jump Batten was never I bettor than l 1 to 2 In the betting while I from 2 to 21 to 1 1 could always br had against His Excellency Time was lSO I Hat and all tilings I considered it was a great race for the first two His Eml I nencc at even money and Flaunt at 1 to f were the only winning favorites today Results First race six furlongs selling Crin Ide won Bright Eye second Acushla third Time 1023 I Second lace flvi > fnrloncrs KIs TOml nencc won Boyntu second Bill Masslo I 1 third Time 102 I Third race seven furlongs Flaunt won The Lady In Blue second Lake Fonso third Time 1 274 Fourth race mile handicap His Excellency Ex-cellency won Batten second Compensation Compen-sation third Time 110 I Fifth race mile selling Possum i on Aureole second Plantain third i I Time 112 I < I Sixth race six fudongs lIlngLn j I < I nep won Isablnda second Gibraltar third Time 1 1Ph Slow Track at Lakeside 1 < Chicago May 17 Weather cloudy turk slow at Lakeside Results FIrst race live furlongs Denlxuln J won Kid Cox second Robert Waddell third Time 1OC Second race mile Meddler I won fbI I lins second Ray TI third Time 115 = 4 I rrmr race aiivou rUrlong8Cheese slraw II won Louisville second Fidel Youlln third Time 130 4 Fourth race mile and an eighth Mob won Boney Boy second Topmast third Time l5Si Fifth ace i four and onehalf furlongs Miss Daniels won Gibson Girl second Frldolln third Time 57 seconds Sixth race five and onehalf furlongs Munion won San Mateo second Brawlad third Time 1OS Deep in Mud Now York May 17It was raining at Morris park today and the track was deon In mud In consequence of the mist In the second race down the Eclipse course no lime could be taken But one favorite Withers was fijst past the Judge Results First race six furlongs selling Excel Ex-cel won Sparrow Wing second BUffOON third Time 116 Second raco five furlongs Billionaire Billion-aire won Maxlmus second Fleelwliig third No lime Third race Vannest stakes six and onehalf furlongs selling Nalive won Hespor second King Bramble third Time 121 Fourth race mile Withers won Radford second Pctruchlo third Time Jl 144Fifth Fifth race the Harcmont lightweight handicap six and onehalf furlongs Belle of Lexington won King liarley corn second Meehanus third Time 122 ½ 122Sixth Sixth race mile and an eighth Ra faullo won Maximo Gomez second Kriss Krlngle third Time l57 i Entries at Lakeside for Today Prospects Weather cloudy track good First race threefourths mile mald ens Expelled1U Goodale 1U Chub Ill Hell Do Ill Odea ill John W Patton ill Royal Dare 111 Ilardlo L Ill Premiers O Ill Jbenhere 109 SalHe Rogont 109 Mandamus 100 Or Jiimllo i 109 Hlur rlna 109 Lydla S 109 Emma R 109 Lanza 103 My Chicken 103 Daisy O 10J Hawaii lOP Irene 1 j Hayes 10D jnic < Txi an 109 Sworn race fiveeighths mile purvo Icon Ill Invlctus Ill Ben Magen Ill Battus ins Light Ball 103 KdWi Q 100 i Third race mile and seventy yards Moroni 110 Pr Blazes 107 Dutch i Bard 107 Myth 107 Jim McClnnky iI I 10G Chisel 10 < 5 Sldbow 00 Fourth race onehalf jnlle purse Santalus 110 Erlcrsel 100 Pontiff HO Milt Camnboll lin Knuckle Down 110 mart 107 Kid Hampton 107 Sorepn f 107 The Bronzo Demon 107 Nettle B I 107 Llndlo 107 Zark Pholpt < 107 Mrm I m Butterfly 107 a mI I Fifth race one mile and twenty yards Kclllng Cabrlllo Ill Woadranger 113 Domslo 113 The Jefferson Ill Obsidian Obsid-ian 110 Iscn 107 Lady Brlttanlr 107 Col Eades 105 Gulllana 105 Martha Fox 103 OIIU J 103 Fret Iluml 105 I Phidias 10 Scottish Grit lOi Tyrba I I 10 > Tnmar 91 I i Sixth race one mile and twenty yards I I Tony Ilonls 11C La Prlncpssn lOu I j Hor Favor loft False Lead 107 chan I I eery 107 Evenlyn Byrd JOT Ros I j nyanno 105 Rncobud 103 Roodtrlce I 102 Frangible M Ben Chance OS Barney I Bar-ney F 98 Thomas Carey 91 II I I |