Show I The ladles are invited to the Shredded II Wheat Biscuit demonstration in the store of W S Ilendeison Monday to Wednesday May 21st to 2Srd dialing I dish lessons 5 p m A handsomely 1 lustrated Cook Book free to purchaser ot two packages See that the label Is on all Royal Bread None genuine without it Ask your grocer for It Royal BreadPurest and best Look for the label Ask your grocer for It I Notice t Jco CouBHincra I We are now operating our factory to Its full capacity day and night which enables us to supply our patrons with the choicest natural Ice of which I we have an ample supply stored In our Icehouses at our plant at East Canyon lakes or with artificial Ice made from 01 pure distilled water In which we art exclusive dealers This Ice Is absolutely absolute-ly pure free from all vegetable and animal matter as the water used Js 1 filtered and double distilled Orders for carload lots solicited We Invite you to visit and Inspect our plant Our scrvlcfi Is the boot Place your orders with the old reliable company Otllcc and factory 860 South Third West St Tel 12 Red wagons Ttl SALT LAKE ICE CO j C Lynch Manager Card ofTJmnks We wish to extend our thinks to the Carpenters union Woodmen othe I World and all kind friends for the sympathy and aid djirlng our great bereavement I MRS J W WAPvD AND FAMILY no May Wine Waldmclsrtor Progress j 2C2 Main 4 ri Public Long Dltnnco Tolojihonoi With soundproof booths Telephone building State street city L1P t3 No Dandruff No Falling Hair iL Newbro Hcrplctdo c kills the eerro or par silo that cauteidindruf and caps the oil ot the f balrbulbnnd causes fall mm hair nd batdncsi the latest purely tcica b tific discovery tn ih ForSnicbyaIt FIrSt Ak I Class DrUggI5 AJI1i 61 1Mu1 I i r n fear I flOvcrdeat for nothing which can oil compare rrorocn mUte npproncK horrors h Iceh f The thought of the imfTcnngand dnu crin o blrh Cr thouglt a te 1f dl ttore forher ttAta1 the expectantmother of all pteuaut 1h t expcat moher p anticipation of the coinln I41 i ir r ssftnSr of ct fhu oycr ni her n shadow of nloom that cann ° t I r of women have found thnUlieuteof MOTIIURS HKiTNr > d < innE pregnan I 1t ih 4lriIJ t robs coaflntmcnt of all pain nnd danger and insures 1 r S Mfcty to mother and child This ecwitlfie llnimcpt is C godsend tol women at the Ujnc of their inow critical t I OrdeAl v Not ° Ir Y V21 MOTIIBRS Fmn o can woman ufely C through the p < ril < rt > childbirth but it ucc grntly prepares the > ystemn for the coming event prevent inonimp ickne3 and I cenl prcvcnt Cnd lonln icnC F other dbcorafoita of tub period Sold by nil I dniffrfAts nt 5io per 1 seod ixuue lUanto Sud Ccortrl for i free booklet to THB BUAIIKLULD JCBOULXTOC C J in j I W L most welcome to the connoisseur rich dainty and sparklingly brilliant f tJ BCo j i msmt I iI IA ling of all Bottled Beers L Brewed from the best Canadian f and Minnesota barley and the 7i choicest imported Bohemian hops Ifi I this beer is a nourishing drink of ii unequaled purity and excellence Order from I R M GURNSET Occidental wholo sa1 and retail liquor dealer Salt Lake U tah o L 1 Oif Bng Overstock Sale 9 OF Boys and Childrens T da Clothing Begnnsu J U y j c A big lot of 3 350 400 and 450 Jackets and tIc 4 Pants Suits also some 2 6 5 0 I I 1kr I V est e suits cut to I 1 N 4 Another big lot of 450 I 500 550 and 600 I 1 I 1 suits cut to the uniform r 3 5 I f1 J price of l These are all new Spring staple goods all the new shades and are richly I worth the price at which they are marked As choice a lot of seasonable goods as I these have never before been sold i this city for the money we are asking See our show windows I The Siegel Clothing COe I 6 ° 6365 M1HNo j S7 s25 to 3fl50 M t Just Received ANTCLS r Carload Fine 1 NEW DESIGNS NEW FINISH Largest and finest dlo rjW 2 play in the city Mantel Grate Tiles set complete In your house and we guarantee our work PRICES FROM 52500 to S150GO Sec our new Golden Oak By calling early I you can secure first choice i J ELIAS MORRIS SONS CO J > w t MA 1 1ooj RESi R KVItaJlittrthoprrscrlr CUPZDENE I h y em ot 1 fctou3 French ptyeidan will quickly euro you of nil nor S TOES 0 obtcaea 01 the Generative orrnn oJCh nj Loot JIanboc orln r lt1bn i L XcainnlAliilnaLo tboJnclSccilnl Jimlsjlr > D3 Jfcroua Debt In 2C OU J lapiec t7nfltncn to Marty Exhausting Dralra Vftrlcocclo m i ti CacitJpAtJoQ It otopi nil IOUM br dar or night IrcrenLa qolcl b1 trrfj oX dlcchKjo TrJitch U not chtccpd JCiis SpCTTnntorrho i and i Rcpnor rttrrrc pJl l tio tarrcri odmpoteacr CDEEdccithoflyer tl3 t BEFORE tHD rvr I fcW 3tdy t n d tbe ortnry oran Dc c 1urt tJ CUPIDJ ntrcmftbeoaand rcatorMmnll weak o Tbo reason an > reri ttrG not oar < Ml l by Uoclorn Is I b t ntnfltT PW Crsnt T troible Wft t rt3ttIt1 OUPIDKNE la Ux > eal7 Known r mrd to carevriibontftu operation < CtetImua tli l A written anarancco alrpn tad money rctnrntrd I elz bozta dcaa not oifocc a pcxinacaotctuc fJrl box olx f yrOiIJ 0 by ma Bad for gars circular fiaJ uettyimri pmOtcw dc lA VOL 3rDlcE c P O Box 7070 Sen Fmziroo Gal F I e GODBEPITT3 DRUO COB LAK3 CIT UT A ANDERSON INSURANCE AGENCY I FIRE LUTE AND ACCIDENT P 0 Box 977 T 1T Q U irm A N C E Telephone 195 Ji l N 1 3 > LJ A t j 0 131 South Main St Salt Lake City ALL OUR COMPANIES ISSUE BLANKET POLICIES COHERING ENTIRE CONTENTS OF DWELLING UNDER ONE AMOUNT WITH NO CHARGE FOR GASOLINE OR LIGHTI1TG CLAUSE Scottish Union and National of England 518362302 London Assurance of England 18216786 HamburgBremen of Germany 5000000 Aetna of Hartford 12080089 I Firemens Fund of California 3309405 Norwich Union of England 6500000 Transatlantic 2931380 Scyal Exchange Assurance 23413149 i11 WeT reat and Cure y1 r Catarrh BronchitIs Neuralgia Heart 1 I AJ Disease Dyspepsia Skin Disease fI I Blood Diseases Rheumatism Malaria L J Mala-ria Nervous Diseases Kidney Diseases Dis-eases Female Complaints Insomnia r 3 4j ii 1I Dyoentory Paralysis Bickets Scrofula I l Scrof-ula Consumption in first Stvico liver 11 l g Diseases Diseases of the Bowels IL r Homo treatment cures Write for 1 r symptom list Consultation free WEAK MEN Wo ivlll trout you until curd without nIL WEAl leI you to pay n cent until you nro cured j I you softer from any of tho weak Wo take all tho burden of proving It to nesscs or diseases cauheu liy Ignorance l i s you by curing you first and ihon usklnc excess or contusion on hn1 been a reasonable fee when you uro cured robbed and cleceivcduinill tho mere mention You bonlc 1 ro hct UII ccc < lnt enI can depend upon our word any lion of the word Doctor causes lour blopil In Utah wJIJ Indorse It thousands of to bollYOU AKB THIS VEU PERSON patients Imvo Indorsed us NOW WJ3 i WB WANT TO TALK TO WANT TO CURE YOUwith tho distinct J J Wo huvo proven our skill In ciirnK all understanding that wo will not demand CHRONIC diseases by punishing thou n fee until you ar < j cured Wo euro j Hands of voluntary testimonials of home Jost Manhood Seminal Wcalcn0 ftyerw I people giving names pictures and ad ntorrhoca Gonorrhoea Syphilis nnd all ilrcasos Wo Maakncsi of men Wo absolutely euro Varlcocclo In ono week or It don Ii coat Canl I Publish Our Curos in Privalc Diseases i you a putmy Consultation I and ulxlco Because U woulS botray confidence FREE by letter or In person Call or Hence we have to prove our skill In this write rlars of troubles Jn another way This ifl I Office hours 10 to 5 evenings 7 to f rials J Dur plan Sunday 10 to 12 I G CMADIC EXPERT SPECIALISTS HARMON BLOCCJ CIAlSTS RS SHORES c SHORES BBS i i I U 1 Salt Lakc ltv PO Box I e ml 4 |