Show SOLD BOGUS STAMPS MILLIONS SAID TO HAVE BEEN DISPOSED OF IN CUBA This Where the Heal Steal In Cuban Postal Department Was Made Postmasters Shared in Profits 1 Muncie Ind May 17One of time Government detectives who has been i hero working the Muncieend of the Cuban Cu-ban embezzlements maclp the statement state-ment today lhat tho real steal had been the sale of counterfeit stamps which it Is alleged have been printed fn the ofllce of a printing1 company in this I city Thousands of dollars worth oC I I bogus stamns aro said to have been Issued t m I Is-sued and distributed to Cuban post I muslers a number of whom It Is alleged al-leged shared In the profits with time chipf culprits The printing ofllco is said to hitvc been searched from garret to collar for the malerlal used Heretofore the search hero was supposed lo ho for an alleged package of money IL Is as t III I I hertcd that I almost 2000000 worth oC 1 j I bogus stamps have been printed In iiI ii-I Muncie amid sent for distribution to Cuban Cu-ban postofllces The system was to distribute these stamps In numbers lhat would nol cause suspicion lo officers who furnished the regular consignments consign-ments Vhen Mr Ross Cowan president oC time Neeloy Printing company was told the story this afternoon he did not seem especially concerned but said You may say that If there Is any story alloat that the Nooley Printing I company over turned out Cuban atamps either for the postal or any other service It Is false We have neither printed stamps legitimately nor El illegitimately The Government contract con-tract work that wo have we have not denied It has been most In time form of printed blanks This work has been i conducted for the past eighteen months since Nceley took office and my books will show that it has not exceeded 10 I OCO while the printed stories arc that It will reach 580000 Do you suppoao that the Government oillcials that have overhauled my place since the day of arrest of Neoley would not have found some evidence if the gigantic stamp I factory you speak of was here |