Show CURRENT PUBLICATIONS Success for May has un Off for Paris scene for coverpuff It pIvoR much attention atten-tion to public affair and public ncn ll ho scenes from Cuba Porto Rice Hawaii and tin Philippines and typical instances of successful enterprise ire given It itt 1 IL helpful encouraging publication and has goad and timely words on careen and oprnliiRv for usefulness in life McGraW Mardcn Company publishers New York The UrlllHh lac ARilnwt ihe ISoers Issued Is-sued by the Imperial South Afrlcnn As Koclatlon Westminster England A small pamphlet which gives In brief form the leading points In the ciac Rrlovances of the outlanders constitutional attempts at rcdrecu breaches of the convention claims mado by her Majestys Government Govern-ment as to scope of parumountey leading events In South Africa since llrut British occupation movement for the expulsion of British rule etc All Is arranged inconvenient In-convenient form and Is well presented Mickey Finn 13y Ernest Jarrold With an Introduction by A Dana and lllu trnfil l liv t tr Mnipnn Iithllshfil bv the I JanilesomIiiggins Co fhlcngo Mr Duna commends the book for UH humor pathos mid human nature taken from nature the book contains tin most admirable delineation I de-lineation of l character together with a I rare Micliy In the descrlntlon of the woods and Holds A pamphlet edition handsomely printed The Sexual Instinct Its Use and Dangers Dan-gers a3 Affect fug Heredity md Morale tty Jame hosier Scott ii l A Yale university uni-versity M D r AT Edinburgh univer I sky Published by E B Treat < Company New York A book nf high Im parlance great learning and pure purpose Tho author says In his preface Thin book i contains mu itch philn I talking for which I offer no defense Its JuKtIMcatlon will bo found In the body of the work This Is emphatically true Purity of life Is Inculcated with power thc most earnest earn-est warning Is give osnlmn Impurity ami to this viirnlng added the terror of dreadful conxequenees lo the Individual and to his fnmllynnd posterity In I case the rule of purltj Is violated That It l the tone of the bonk throughout t In pursuance of his theme t the I author takes up the various vari-ous sides of the great problem ln < ded and treats I of eieh wllh I surprising lucidity I lucid-ity anti force In every brunch h he presses hattie lu the I Individual that the sin Is Miro to t Und him out In eIl results to I himself awful penalties upon the innocent the demoralization de-moralization of society a rid the I pollution of iho race No more striking applications applica-tions 1 of the principle of pure ll lag nnd the effects of an Impure llf cnn be found than art here supplhd The regulation of vice Is treated t I 1 In a manner that I ought tot thorotifcnly to-t and nermunently cure nnv honestminded person who ever Inclined to tho I belief that audi a course Is wise The criminal acts charged upon women who refuse to bear chlldern arc scorch Injfly condemned and the t jujul and m body destroying results of such acts arc vividly portrayed The awful effects of n lewd Hfo aro give n In plain terms and 1 the t practical prac-tical Impossibility of escape from destructive destruc-tive t coniamlnatlon I Is olnted out with the deadly surem < s of an expert battling royilly In the greatest light of humanity Thy writers ability Is verv grcut and he has utjed that iblllty lavishly to the making ma-king 01 a magnificent book |