Show IN THE BUSINESS WORLD rile French hue steamer La Gascogne I which sailed mull NOW York for Havre carried W COOOJ in gold Yesterdays statement of tho treasury balances h in tbo general fund oxcluslvo of the 1 OCOOO TO gold reserve In tbo division divi-sion of redemption shows Available ejfh balance JU2177V > 7 sold 72 5n 75 The metal market has been treated t to another surprise during the week says thf Iron 1 Age by a third reduellon on pig kad Thus throe reduction havo been made within seven days amounting altogether alto-gether to ll per ton AttorneyGeneral Davlos of Now York yesterday listened lo argument of coon fl on the application of William R Jliarsl of New Vosk city lo restraIn the American lee eompuny from doing business busi-ness In Now York State |