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Show DID HE miW. Pretty Myrtla Wellington Said to Have iBeen Abducted by a Brewer's 1 Agent. THEY DE0VE AWAY IH THE DAEK. The Young Woman's Mystcrous Disappearance Disap-pearance And the Arrest of the Supposed Kidnapper. Pretty Myrtle Wellington, a charming charm-ing young society blonde of Ninth East (street, litis boon abducted, it in asserted by the. girl's mother. Tor the )nst two weeks she has been missing and her whereabouts is a mystery. mys-tery. One dark night sho was taken away from her home in a hank, and has not been seen or heard of since. Chief of Police Young and Detective Franks were notified of the strange and peculiar disappearance of Miss Wellington, Welling-ton, but after working on the ease for a fortnight with their forces, could get no clue to the mysterious departure of tho young woman. Miss Welington had no reason to run away or leave her home as her surroundings were pleasant and agreeable. agree-able. Her mother soon came to the conclusion that her daughter hail been abducted. Her suspicions were aroused on account of her refusing to let Henry Holl'heinier, agent of the Anheuscr-Busch Anheuscr-Busch Brewing association, pay attention atten-tion to tlie young woman. Finding that the police and detectives could not ferret fer-ret out the case, Mrs. Wellington laid the facts before tho grand jury mid that body indicted Henry Hof.heiiner and Clarence Eberly on tho charge of abduction ab-duction for vile purposes Both a ,1. . i .,,... .......-. l l.i of t lie men were arrcsieu i.isi night by a deputy United States marshal.' and taken before Commissioner Commis-sioner (ireeninan, who held a brief, late session of court iu order to let Hid indicted parlies give bond for their appearance today. Hoffhei-mer Hoffhei-mer was arrested in the Walker house liar and Klierly was found in a lodge room. Ho is an Odd Fellow, it is claimed. The former furnished bonds in the sum of $1000 for his appearance this ufternoon. Bechtol & Sands of the Walker house are his sureties. Eberly gave bonds iu $500 with W. P. Rowe as bondsman. The couiplaintant, of course, is Mrs. Wellington, who claims that about two weeks ago Ilotthcinier und Eberly abducted ab-ducted her daughter from home. It appeal's that Hoffheiinel' has been paying pay-ing considerable attention to Myrtle against the wishes of the young girl's mother. It is said that' Mrs. Wellington Welling-ton told the brewer's agent that she did not want him keeping company wit.v her daughter, lie discontinued his visits but his friend Eberly called at the Wellington house a fortnight ago. He inquired for Miss Wellington and after a few words with her, she left tho house hatless and without wraps. ' They got into a hack that was standing at the curb in wailing. The vehicle was driven away rapidi.v ilnd no more has been seen of" the young woman. As Eberly and lloffhei'mcr were friends suspicion pointed to Eberly as the plotter of the scheme to get the girl, and that is the reason that Mrs. Wellington Wel-lington caused the pair to be indicted. Hoffheiiner admits his acquaintance with Miss Wellington, and has known that she has been absent from homo for some time, but he asserts in strong lair gnage that ho is innocent of being implicated im-plicated in the abduction case, lie declined de-clined to have nylhing'to sny about the ease this afternoon, but his friends intimate that the story of abduction is simply, a blackmailing scheme. They seem to think that if the young woman left her home iu a hack sfio did so with her own consent, as sho would not have accompanied Hackman Eberly to his vehicle unless she knew what was up. The case was set for preliminary hearing at 2 o'clock this afternoon he-fore he-fore Judge Greenman and both defendants defend-ants with their attorney Judpe Powers were ready to tro to trial. '1 tie nrose- cntion was evidently diliatory in preparing pre-paring for the hearing as Deputy District Dis-trict Attorney Critchlow came into court and asked if the case hail been set. He was informed that it hud, and then said ho could not go to trial as he was not ready with his witnesses. The case will be heard Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. |