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Show , A Singular Coincidence. A remarkable coincidence in accidents to two of lis sons has occurred in the family of John Marilla, in the East End, Louisville. The two brothers, Emile and George Marilla, were victims of exactly similar accidaita at widely separated places at the' same moment. Emile Marilla is 18 years old and works at the Short. Line shops at the head of Jefferson Jeffer-son street. George Marilla is 15 years old and works at Curd & Stinton's saddlery store, on Main street. At precisely 4 o'clock in the afternoon Emile was at work near a large circular saw attending to his duties. Suddenly he slipped, and as he fell his hand struck against the rapidly revolving saw, the palm of the hand turned toward the edge. The teeth tore the entire inner portion of his hand away from the bone, leaving a serious and painful wound. At the same hour George Marilla was at work at the saddlery store on Main street. He also, while working at his place, suddenly slipped and fell, striking his hand against a small saw used in collar making. The palm of the hand was caught, and the soft flesh was torn from the bony frame. The boys live at No. 1,586 Pope street, and both were removed to their home, where they arrived about the same time. Dr. W. O. Roberts was immediately summoned sum-moned and dressed the injured hands, both of which were injured in the same place and to the same extent, and both were the extremities of the right arm. New York Star. |