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Show j 0TI(E OF TIIK INTF.VTIoNOKTHF.CITVrol'V-i INTF.VTIoNOKTHF.CITVrol'V-i ll lo extend water malm on First street from l to II iret : Notice Is hereby gl"n bv the (11V folllirll of Hall Lake fit v of ths Ititeiitlon of such I 'oiim-tl lo make the following des. rlid Improveiiient, t-wit: F.xti iMlIng and laving lrm water pljiea or mains along tbe followtiix strs-'s. namely, First street from li to II sireet, and defraying three fourths of the nut thereof. etimtil at One Thousand itnun Ihdlars. hy a h l sennmetii nisiti ihe lots or ide.es of ground within tb fid lowing described -list rl (.being it nlstrlct lo la-a(T led r bensnied by ni-l tm provemelit namely: AllofloU I and 1 I'l'e k 'II. lots A and I. bl-k H lol ' bl a e. b ft hp fct a'l In plat II Hall Lake I II r irey AH protests and .due. ihais lo Ihe carrying 'i ot sill b IMcldlon tl,llt ll presetilcl lu wrlUhg lo the City Kecrder .rfi iH-ls-hre May 'ft iswi being Ihe tleie set iy Ihe said urntetl when it will hear a:id coitder sH' h ohje-tios as may be mad" thereto, Hy order..! Ihe nty C'miedl or Hall Lake City, made April ti. imJ. l'fii Hv . ' ( ly Hecordef . I Halt lks City. May I. IH". |