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Show HK SIIAI.I, MAKKV. ' Victoria Itetiidra to llspne nf A I he it Victor. Lonimin, Vay !) Special The question of a matrimonial a'lianco for rrince Albert Vieltir, w ho Ims just returned re-turned f iv in India, is engaging t he consideration con-sideration of the queen. It has been resolved in the royal household that the prince shall I'm married without much deli.y. Tho queen would like him lo man y Princess Alice of Hesse, but some of his n 1 itives would prefer a union vyilh Princess Louise of Denmark, eldest daughter of tho crown prince, who, however, Is not yol sixteen. Out of the circle of the prince's relations his choice is practically limited to Princess Alexandra of Anhalt-Dessaii, Princess Feodoro of Augustenbiirg, the youngest sister of the (tcrman empress, the Duchess Elizabeth of Mecklenburg-Sehworin, Mecklenburg-Sehworin, Princess Louise of Saxo-AI-tenburg, and Princess Elizabeth of Wal-dick-Pyrmoiit, youngest sister of the Duchess of Albany. |