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Show O r TIIK IMTENTII'S tV THK CITY Council t" eileB-l lti water reiliM .. I Wall a'reel ad Mm apd'-l -T-eiBls rearm lotis InU-twIlM !'H cumni sir I aiel al-etif I urrat.l street west to il Inter IP "sothi. 'aere" given by the I lly I isinctl of Han l-.ke . it f -f th- inlettil "e"'""' clllo make the follow ui de rl'ied iei.i,r ,,!-o,e,.1er,ls to.: ..lt"tlitf ", h'tt water ploea r mains ab.au the l-i.-raiea .trets. mwlr: Wad sireet ac..u'e I apt-lol apt-lol a-n-its. le-nh lo i" liii'fs- 'I'-n ua -r.nt -r awl al-nxt trraul .re lo its tn terse. Hon w.iti lu- r-et ad iWravu. tl.ree fourths.-! tne.o.l tltere., .-.I I a I e-l al i iwents- - bntelred dollars Hi a l-s-al .e.m-nt i.p'm tb ' P-e.'" "' sroimu wlt-llh.f.dl.ewtii .brthe l 4lnrt. le-ie .,IWliill.,l:'dl bener.ted l-y -a l imntoteiuen-s namely l,s I - J. a a . I Ml IJP.h 1 le-'s I I Block II. ail In piat V.. e.i! ,.ke iny ..irey, Al P"'' aielol-'oieios lo the earrrlaa il le-llloa BHIst I- rireseolcl la wntir If M. ' rity lte.e-.ler.m'-1- '.e-e May "- IBc lime e' by be -!" I""H1"" I wlwllH win hear ael.c.ileriB i.je-tbis aa Diay be mCV.tT.'rf ih-I'll CmiKil f ba t lae (It. Fde Alrt: P. iej . , ' lertta HT,t;it Kecor.e. riatt Lai. Ut jf May I. I'M' |