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Show HI N'H WKKKI.Y ItKVIKW. Report of Ihe limit .Mercantile Agonrjr of tho lounlry. Nk.W YoliK, May II. Prospects of silver legislation having become less distinct, some of (ho speculative specu-lative markets have reacted from the recent advance. At the same lime, the outlook for industries and legitimate trade is distinctly less favorable, owing to damage to wheat and cotton ami labor disturbance. The accounts of injury lo winter wheal grow more definite, and foreshadow a towerollicial re port than that of last mouth. A special cotton report - from , Memphis Mem-phis indicates planting 1'7 cr cent against 8'J per cent, ul this time last year, unfavorable weather in t'M out of (KM returns malmial in jury from too much rain, and extensive loss from Hoods, (ialveston crop reports are also gloomy, because of too much ruin, ami St. Louis reports unfav orable weal her. while the markets at Chseago have beeii much lulluenced by informal ion of injury to wheal. From St. Paul, Omaha and Milwakee reports of the outlook are more favorable, but short crops of winter wheal and cotton would be fell in all trades next fall. The general average of prices is nearly one per cent lower than a week ago, notwithstanding a rise of lij cents in w heat, due to reports of injury. Tho sales here wore '.M.tKWi.tiOO bushels, and tho exports both of wheat and Hour continue large. Corn mado no advance during tho week, and oats declined a quarter. Hogs wore 10 cents per 100 lbs. lower, but pork and lard were ad vanood a little liv speculation, and oil rose 3 cenls. Cotton rose three-sixteenths, with sales here of 57.5,000 bales, receipts and exports again falling below those of. last year. Coffee was unchanged, lint dealers are waiting for consumers. Raw sugar did not change, but crushed was advanced an eighth. Iron was lower at Pittsburgh, but with more sales, and not changed at Philadelphia, but southern blocks were sold here at l.i. for No. 1. Steel rails are quoted at buyers claiming further concessions. conces-sions. The market for bar iron is languid, lan-guid, for plates only fair, and for structural struc-tural not up to expectations.- A sale of B.0OO.00O lbs. of lake copper to consumers con-sumers has stiffened the price lo antl tin is stronger on foreign speculation, specula-tion, and lead on the prospect of legislation. legis-lation. Money has not been diaUirbed this week, bid ling steady at 4 percent, on call here, easier at Philadelphia, and in fair supply at other cities at the rate there usu il. There is much less complaint com-plaint of slow collections throughout the norlhwesl.biit ci nddei able in some lines at Philadi Ijihia, Hoston and Now York, (iood crops and large sales of farm products have made things comparatively com-paratively easy at the west, but tho effects ef-fects of two successive open winters aro felt in eastern markets. The treasury treas-ury has taken in only half a million more money than it has paid out, and foreign exchange has declined from A i.T ... A wi: , .,'.,l!,lil v I he result nf for- eign purchases of American stocks. I The advance in tho Pennsylvania divl I dend docs much t; encourage foreign i buying, and the tone of the market is decidedly strong. But cxMirts of all 'products' from New York arc eighteen per cent below last year's fur April, while imports here showed an increase of eighteen per cent, facts which indicate indi-cate a heav y excess of imports over exports ex-ports for that mouth. The buinc.-s failures occurring throughout the country during the hist seven days, as reported to It. G. Dun A: Co., the mercantile agency, by telegraph, tele-graph, number, for the United States IRi, and for Canada 20. or a total of 211. as compared with a total of 21 bt-st wer-k, and a total of SH the week previous pre-vious tn the last. For the correspond ing week of last year the figure were 214, representing !! failures in the United States, and 2.5 in the Dominion of Canada. |