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Show RECOVERED T1IE BATON' An Old Eelio Keoently Stolen is Found and Great is the- Rejoicing, Re-joicing, A BRITISH PROICE TO MARRY. Si. Louis Wants a Chief of Police- Keystone Key-stone Sanitarians -Other Specials, VlUXXA, Miiy ll. Special.--A tel..-gram tel..-gram received from Paris states that te baton receiillv stolon from tho room t-onluiiKti tho relics of Fi.-l.l Marshal Kadotk. has been recovered in that city 't he baton was a present given I y tin- emperor anil tin; entire niuiv in lo.it). It is not onlv a historical relic, but a work of alt of groat vain.-. It is entire y composed uf silver. gold ami precious stonccs. T.ie stall' is 21) inches long, of massive sil er, wit h eight golden eagles in relief. At either end gold rings are attached, set with two large rubies and ton emeralds each. In the middle of the stall' a third gold ring is set w ith three diamonds, two emeralds and three rubies, ail select stones. The stall' is, moreover, adorned with a laurel branch of gold, with forty-eight enamelled enam-elled leaves on which are inscribed ihe battle4li' which he look part between 17W and 18-IH. In tho' interior of the -baton, which is hollow, is a parclimeul roll bearing the dedication. |