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Show - Wheii You Gau Buy 4 Lots in Davis, Sharp & Stringer's .dd-itioja? CORNER OF SECOND WEST AND TENTH SOUTH, On small Cash Paymentand within 30 days after Electric Car Line, already commenced, on Second West, is completed, sell 3 Lots for Profit sufficient to build nn remaining Lot. , . ' : - If you prefer to move into your own home today, . . We have Six New Modern Style Houses just com- . pleted, six Large Rooms, Fine Closets, Three . . . V?nrc;r,-tyVVgtPr. Elegrant Location, close in, 5 ' splendid view, near electric car line, ONLY -$13800 - EACH, and FlVK Years to Pay out at only 6 Per ' : cent interest. .-' . IM " Don't Fail to see Watkins' Addition Adjoining: LiToert Fails on tne Soiatli. DAVIS STRINGER, eSlS , v 23 West Second Soutfi. The Frank. Foote Coal. Co. are prepared to Q furnish coal on short notice for family use. Try their coal and you will have no other. Main Office 153 South Main. O. t. BROWN, Manage-. " J M. STULL & COM PANY, FIIE INSURANCE AGENTS First-Class Board Companies Represented. No. 22 East First South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. it Telephone, 382 Pl ' OUR BKAND9: hS MiB I OI K BKA TONY FAUST. BHJfel 11 Srll ANHETJSEE, ' original mrWmll bubgotdi, , B1.DWEISER. AW ERLANg 1AGER. -AM 1 Keg and Bottled Beer in any Quantity Shipped Promptly to Order- Sf Attention Given to Citv Family Trade. ANHEUSER BUSCH BREWING ASSOCIATION. Fitzgerald & Hofheimer, ... , - Sole Age" D. VAN BUSKIRK. OFFICE OF T. C. STEBBINS I THE I I VAN BUSKIRK INVESTMENT COMPANY. GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FORMING OF SYNDICATES. AGENTS FOR EASTERN CAPITAL. We do not handle SNAPS, but GOOD BARGAINS! EXPERIENCED OPERATORS and Members ot the Reai, Estate Exchangs 179 MAIN STREET, corner Second South. Giso. 51. Scott, Jas. Glexdknmng, H. S. Run field, President. ' Vice-President. Secretary. GEO. M. SCOTT & CO., ' (INCORPORATED.) -DEALERS IN- Hardware arid Metal, . Stoves, Tinware, Mill Findings, Etc. AGLNTS FOR the Dodge Wood Pulley, Roebliiig's Steele Wire Rape Vacuum Cylinder'and Engine Oils, Hercules Powder, Atlas Engines aud Boil' , ers, Muck Injectors, Buffalo Scales, Jefferson Horse Whim, Blike l"umps Miuers' aud Blacksmiths' Tools, Etc. 168 MAIN STEEET. Salt Xahe City, - Utah jPabst Brewing Coj (Formerly PHILIP BEST) chl.-w.-cti2:ee, wis. Export, Bohemian, Hoffbrau and Select Blue RibbJ Keg and Bottled Beers shipped immediately upon order. . -THE FAMILY TIU1DE SOLICITED FREE DELIVERY! ' TELEPHONE 36 B. .K. BLOCHa-0 Co., 7 15-1C0MMERCIAL ST. -Agefl W. H. JIcCLUEE & CO., R.EJ.A.Ii ESTATE, (SMALL PROFITS ANU SUIE I KTUHN8, CO West Second South street, Salt Lake City. |