Show salt lake laake Irb nGo 0 I 1 KOOME president HENRY J DAVISON secretary manufacturers OF X olica sr ENGINES AND BOILERS MADE AND REPAIRED TO ORDERs ORDER IRON AND aall SASS a AL luellam K X 1 I orar tedi in ss manner I 1 iron ro nt I 1 ise 11 lost V sutherland irland manager 41 if block auth of depot r 0 IN at T 0 amill 3 S 0 40 ea E 2 I 1 0 O fil aw w aw ilu ma d 4 av 4 4 anti opened UP tp for sale by a C r r tto CS oo 00 1500 SMALL BOXES OF pack packed ed by J B vance evancovitch Van covitch lower thames street london SOO BOXES CANDIES 1000 POUNDS DS HOMEMADE HOME MADE CANDIES FANCY checkerboard BOARD BOXES OF TEA GLOVE BOXES and ft large arge variety of all al kind kinds i of goods MEMBER nE THE STORE ran IT BLOCK ick dl tf a CO WALKER 08 I 1 I 1 I 1 ur alker al BROTHERS RS 00 wholesale whole colo tale and retail dealers in arx I 1 WI WINES N esa ll 11 LIQUORS QUO RS CIGARS I 1 I 1 0 navr A splendid STOCK or foreign IOMe domestic wines bra brandies adies gins ac BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES and an n immense of case liquors and litters bitters 1 AND I 1 HAVANA AND DOMESTIC I 1 11 1 1 I 1 M aI sits nn and keeping the ilin hooek arr ever hiltl bet lik 11 utah riah we after I 1 I 1 wr SPECIAL 1 inducements TO THE TRADE 6 I 1 hod R S to CO S celebrated selo ole agelin lu its minli for J 11 II CUTTERS CUTTER S 55 I 1 WALKER BROS CO 9 i i one giant fiul east of stores store 1 oil which wire their lump modem I 1 I 1 ll 11 V 7 P FISHER advertising AGENT roomi ronnie 30 20 ak a 21 merchante Mtr chMil exchange STREET SAN FRANCISCO california ants and 1 l for the tha 14 HILT it LT LA it E DAILY WEEKLY TRIBUNE ai R for a r britni pe p uh 6 h edCa in forn a ore D MJ 90 od d 12 falu v d in I 1 utta ah idaho a ig it colorello Colo I 1 reilo da arligon r dd 1 I r sandwich in d els I 1 Iii landi tho i pet corf r aj st ialo idea n anil rid gio clilia 1 1 7 a tiba tib A alij b tr tie st stell and ad europeo advertising AnTER has H created many s new mcw has ruia many ba an old bu Ancia doi ren ived many a dull buil bagi nee jr mcacy many A 6 at bull bulder net lien HM gaved rd many a girdling nas preferred binany ft a jorge bul bui inese new and day any business buil Dou ADVERTISE MUM S BUSINESS KEEP YOUR BAME Bita ORE THE PUBLIC z advertising will lnore a nerinne ir is DULL adventist if Bliz inen is brisk advertise atthe man who belleve ID in silver it rone into whip with tb the heidi was so kod tone that dor does the INC 1 yu LL tf PAINTERS ETC REMO I 1 I 1 I 1 collid jo I 1 1 I 1 I 1 11 WHO is 18 BUSHEL I 1 why he be Is 1 the iho well known PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER who was w formerly odthe of firm of walk aad ail points vt lilt fill to uio ibis walker house watters walters bros sad aLber jobe too numerous to luent logs re lu Ts or 1111 1118 ABILITY I 1 T U ia L I 1 D G K E Is the BEST IMITATOR or 01 WOODS AND MARBLES IN II UTAH kolbu juall fur fair a in mea sit of frina cul p gr I 1 n I 1 it g a ud seeing cvrk alv us ul a call at 1 l our gallery over Watt erst bron JIl ress jewelry blare XU X U 33 u I 1 AT ditkof 11 stal or A bura baruj l Is sw new store 0 oil JUL koliu hi alile ja J ire fl at rAlfe to ff V val nit turon upon ell konters lon for hn lutc ditre lion PI I 1 blin A 1 fhil vt lit or DO ca sale ilal d 1 sm forwarding commission commission COMMISSI OX A AM M DURANT or ORE AND BULLION MONET ADVANCED ON of ore bullion grain PRODUCE A dealers in I 1 hay HAT COR CORN V OATS bakert BA KIrT AND CRACKED cony agents for act ailline hil Line we W ranks lower rato rates to till U principal eastern cities than any ny other company BILLS OF GIVEN extra inducements for the shipments bior at I 1 ORE AND BULLI BULLION 1 ON AGE NTH FOR SALE SAIE or hinton coal for the mi intire entire portion of utah w IVE K have large and nd commodious Commod loui were is houses ILL I 1 SALT waitr RE SANDY STATION AND LEKI the southern and nd american fork ampt amala room to a tore any amount 1 I 1 freight address adaron nu all communications to DURANT CUTTING oct 25 2 tf if SALT CITY Christma sand new years a just arrived ag a GRAVES CO an immense stock of GROCERIES 7 CROCKERY GLASSWARE I 1 AND HOLIDAY LIDAY PRESENTS WHOLESALE CALL AND SEE THEM at Groes Groesb becks ecles block second south street SALT LAKE CITY Cro chryl faise rna 1 I 1 ii tt HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID ron FOB W W i ft poll V V 11 CC as a 4 S S ca cl 12 L 2 ca s1 sa act t bocz a 30 r 4 n 0 I 1 a I 1 uj p ce cc C v IV E M a a w A aarao assortment or of xam arr dov art tf at bros bro NOTICES 4 Wao inich olac I no 1 A JT jr OL A A it jbf n 1 held ul at f ma fl nill I 1 I 1 a 1 2 0 katat T I 1 jhb s mccond anil J i 57 r 01 of each w of b I 1 mer mid and i no 1 gelbron in standing ve cor car dalaly led to attend J at ORN W 21 secretary II 11 1 boriah lodge IN 0 no S A ira A fito Iter ular communications held at onlo hl bell emt temple oreel tb anil and fourth of each ach month bl embers of sister Lod bree anil nil in ir brethren it reth ren in amod aro am invited invite A to of cit tand 01 W M dazill coay ArK Arg eilla engla LO olace ao an 3 A r t st A A it rif stated of I 1 ihla his bodro go antt third twilit of IV path at hall half fat tempo street me Morn mile bert ell of sister bedget and bt ethren in ID rood frood aut riding are r cordially taUr A W W M W IL bi nn amin ry U tt I 1 sotory atory Lin kindice dice ao als 4 1 A 1 lit A A in ft proves city ily 1 I tab lull hold r comm on onico the ant aud and third FAtUr daTs of cf aare A month all lit in bod rood standing handing ro invited to attend elroi IHA at W at cn il JP SWA A 2 A IS ift R SL EL E L johns john andge or no I 1 la A andal anil A ah IL meets nt at ing hall dull main every second of each month sojourn ng br ethern are cordially in to attend T 13 TRACY T P 0 M Q C F secretary 11 I 1 T ass 1 0 it H X ji 1 slatted council held lit at T 1 i beulh ove atory ry wednesday A evenin thalji at balf rist on even 14 OO lock broth irvn ren lo in lil nUu bra r in invited bitted to 10 attend T F CLAM LCY cyb P itlie W ic CIL C n cubit gollu atall NO ao i 1 i 0 0 1 r pvc mt meet every thordy thor d y at t 8 pm la in 4 F V 1111 second south vl salt lake city odd frontiers IQ in good A are to attend blet for far tho oct of conferring degrees ant tilt bilay of mch h month at 8 le m bul M N 0 J coir JHU JH U ww ALT lalik 1 lotiue lOII UE jio 10 assi z 21 1 0 0 01 F meet every ty 1 Q tr evening AL half poat goat nw 0 amk p in ili in faints hall odd fellows Fellow fl in good stan ding are invited on th tho 0 irvett a 4 jn n every month at half bair IM poal ai rovan ven ov ock I 1 p TO III ILEE 0 F ar WILSO 4 secretary oa tf lf J DO D LAMB COs CO s DS ML au acra C cdx 3 elsts is M 3 CONO 00 oo fsr S 2 ni tit nt unto hud and have opened a lint line kod and well ll 11 BO acted stock kick of drugs chemicals and fancy goods Prescription ol ly dai tr this Is abo bat medicine or Natu who cures cure Is 1 tho the bol beet Z MIT rm HERBAL MEDICINE STORES PHILIPS BUILDINGS BUILDING SI TENTH WARD SALT LAKE CITY ALL AIL DISEASES SPEEDILY AND ABD effectually CURED midi gil lill il lertin boots chills all unlit albI lelle 5 gling ilal battle itic i tic etc U BY Y E 7 P L L N T who my may bo be daily at al the abai abw a addre bs WORMS DESTROYED OR REMOVED IN TWO HOURS XER ONE 01 LAir N a or of cousin coughs cattle na limn I 1 IN de ll 11 t acs ics consumption E E el stomach lick dimanche bilog scurvy curvy le lugn gAthered br breast tam bago hires allce eruptions alc au arc beirs front from tumors li imort a oba h inita evil atul filler a el liDga I 1 hick necks dis elined a and ad contracted johnt johnm crin cerous womb eto etc should apply to till this there la in not ft a case be IL co bad 9 but what L rollof can bo be rendered mid and inmost in moat cases case a curo cara performed ja K RE B ow 9 I 1 e I 1 01 alx lx 0 EURE I 1 I 1 I 1 joanar K ac CO Drem dressell sell aloo U asfur l CL I 1 i leith bear ica to their cu alv ajr fice they are ar not a vile tile fancy debi made of poor house horn proof spirit anil 4 Iter mial adored do red spinelli and now ao to pleats the laate called tonics Ton tea I Ap pUra Ite dr sm n 1 ao ack that ifa the tippler on to anil and rain min but are am A true cine mailo made from rates and herbs of ia neo from cram all A alcoholic they tro am ilia ehg CHEAT ZEAT BOD and ad A LIFE GIT NO rg X r G ft a perfect Ite novator and of the system ear off ortall all makar e nod aw a tho the blood ia to healthy condl i u boo no t 0 person un can tako take thew mail according to ous and loo boac unwell their boot boor an not destroyed by gol mineral ueral poggon or other end and the vital beyond bocam abo y ut ot CD I 1 0 drw a beau purgative a welli als al tonic poi alii tit peculiar merit of act ing locadia as a powerful in relieving contlow Cont loa or of the junr and all tho the Ille trall orgia ll JOB iron COMPI a r ja in young roune or ou old worried or adji hie at ibis ali do dawn of a or at uio chit lure acm of life alco file itaw tonic recite ifa blk un farm bt bay oo no equal iring lanto y ad chroal ble calls chesso natlia and rd couto Zyi epla or Isol lse lion Dl lluu and balci revert diseases ortho labeled blood ald selo bf and ml bladder UCK differs bitter havo been awl 1 aluch Ise calle sea r ca cuca 11 by caum blood to 11 gonera ton trally liy to u 11 1 1 or 11 atie ala initial la J 0 coul couba or 11 ln M cb st sour tf if tho bad tulo tago la ia uie the tooth galloi ois attack al aes I 1 alon cf lh rf iho lun jn in atio of th X danys and oil ft other syma lo 10 an r the of ati epla atley via 6 elonia cb anil 4 the tha lor ie rid ijar atol 1 I illicit ach coca of unequaled satiety in tho the llod of all impute licit am ad 1 ww alto if m aal aol visor to 10 ie whole priem a rok FOIL alsin diseati ol eruptions gait attest spots riu tiM dolli doila Carbo acles ebald a ile alcad bora blim EM y try alpe itch of we uio bloat b lii aumon kaj d IDI ea of ahe skin arr naikia s up 09 sold ail arraj itjin 1 vf 1 its ilia ciui W laa she fiort ku t tit fly by qi IV u o or V 1 11 rc WO cwb 10 awa vilil u ui L lii li i blitt ur C I 1 J ca uwel uie vla aj r y n OBI H 1 01 ol 1 lal l h h I 1 pin i P ruila rui lm il 1 0 1 1 i a 11 ll 11 a yi fi a ii 11 jt I 1 0 it ill 1 1 I k 9 it a it foul nd buur wh 11 lilt yi in kii p the gift willed purt mil it ui CIA jends M W LJ 0 nia aib beill rl fell follow platie and agib wels ui 1114 1 an fn the th to f yli ni i t i 1 py iy ay d ml real dit V arti tr tl irl i I 1 ait M gets Is talya 1 ib I b 1 il I i i i ic c I 1 LU 11 16 alii nit lit abw h bad ly U 1 I I 1 ir i I 1 atu p of I 1 I 1 Is up 2 itah Z lir 0 caw it w a i w i boil body y i 1 lull ui ahad 4 1 11 11 1 a edw my 4 1 if truit z t 1 and d th li ajl 1 of ilaw balco bYl co 01 uj u al ru I 1 4 bilm let it r rc 0 1 t ia in i i n fr urna betit 1 it it SOLD BOLD BY ALL ALG U v 1 I 1 tl 1 if lr J war arl i 1 11 t ft a 0 ga A ar 10 40 iiii sim C ada 23 83 ua at 21 C A L r jr tr I 1 OWE SEVI senica ING MACHINES MACHINES I 1 SALESROOM FIRST SOUTH ST wan or TVS cow or THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE As perfected by ELIAS HOWE JR inventor of 11 schIno REST BEST IN WORLD WOl trl THE HOWE HOVE SEWING MACHINES are unequal unequalled loil led for cleanly excellence and the treat great range rodco of work of which this china la Is capable ca its im simplicity simp lIcitr of construction st aud and its dumb I 1 ill make it THE VERY BEST MACHINE IX IN THE MACHINES manufactured DAILY 1 OVER SOLD IN 6 YEARS KEMEM BElt that 13 1 ELIAS 3 L I 1 A S 11 HOWE 0 W E J JR R of vas tho I A 1 it lit of the be holmlu G lINE anil and the principle invented by him NEVER HAS BEEN BEEM IMPROVED ON call find examine our and SALUS SALES ROOM KOOM 1 arst south street it few doors west occo or coop co op wholesale dt MILLER sq ly Ate enta WELLS SPICER Attorn attorney ev at lobat law FOR UTAH suit salt lake P Allein flou loald alil to suite slid arau aar icelin lit of title to property tend deeds Ac knowl hedged also a specialty inside of preparing alabell ip diagrams and abd reports llo of property properly la in dibi ir 1873 NEW YEARS 1873 WATT WATTiE Elta ns uno HAYL A anti ociell Ail lotti ul 1 I FOR NEW HEW YEARS GIFTS C or of gold inrid wall lim be lunk rigo erill ting charms meta in gold and jet told atudo nueva but form gold alln ela i the diek ol 01 kulil hullm lit elroi 0 overy induce I 1 batic luent lii CAI ro AVI main street one door north of W 11 elliut its now bank aft tf 1 WERRY MAS rt cunnington GUNN INGTON COO CO 7 W n M X MR wl M WW we n st wholesale and retail grocers bravo la in store a splendid now stock suitable Bult sul ablo table to the season including rine fine new RAISINS 9 CURRANTS 9 APPLES CITRON AND LEMON PEEL FIGS CANDIES SPICES ANCHOVIES CAPERS ENGLISH PICKLES 9 CHOICE GREEN AND JAPAN TEAS mocha java and rio coffees AND everything ELSE TO MAKE ike UP A complete grocery store family orders filled at Whole wholesale salo rates bates and delivered at t residence FREE OF CHARGE cunnington CON d LU L 20 U tf 1 I I 1 KIMBALL LAWRENCE va are just io in receipt ofa of a full anil and complete stock tock ol of FANCY I 1 STAPLE GROCERIES 7 arr B za aa mray CANDIED CITRON LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL ZANTE CURRANTS GERMAN TURKEY and FRENCH PRUNES LAGAR SEEDLESS and bultena RAISINS DRIED APPLES PEACHES PEARS blackberries PITTED PITIED CHERRIES CANN Enand BOTTLED FRUITS stud and vegetables FULL assortment SARDINES and SAUCES SPICES and HERBS GROUND and MACCARONI MACCARON 1 vermicelli HOMINY COARSE and FINE WHITE BEANS BEANS SPLIT PEAS SAOE SAGE TAPIOCA PEARL BARLEY TWIN TWI BROS YEAST CAKE SUGARS COCOA CHOCOLATE HYSON GUNPOWDER i t IMPERIAL AND OUR celebrated ka K 11 X W MEAN KIMBALL LAWRENCE dai tt if IM xa 11 DRY GOODS AND C CARPETS I 1 I 1 I 1 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS I 1 I 1 I 1 i a 4 1 I 1 1 t ja I 1 f je V 1 JI I 1 I 1 1 a i 7 ila SMA iu i I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 iba ag I 1 I 1 t I 1 1 I 1 I 1 ag K I 1 0 1 fura FUR SEAL AND MINK I 1 if t SILKS IN EVENING SHADES I 1 it INITIAL handkerchiefs I 1 11 1 SHAWLS IN CHOICE STYLES I 1 1 i j I 1 REAL LACE COLLARS I 1 DRESS GOODS VERY CHEAP I 1 R REAL EAL LACE handkerchiefs I 1 AMERICAN STRIPED sila SILKS I 1 I 1 I 1 LACE AND EMBR I 1 BLACK ALPACAS OF CHOICE LUSTRE I 1 v handkerchiefs IN FANCY BOXES I 1 GOLD MIXED waterproofs |