Show AT twelve last night no telegraphic news from the east bid bad been beco received and as there was bat little prospect of any arriving within several hours houra of that time our readers hai hae e no list last nights NiRh ts yews to peruse perusa nl at breakfast this thia morning I 1 otto klop kloppenburg cabourg secretary and treasurer treasurer frea surer C M 1 gerichten superintendents U C 1 U J and frederick victor trustees trustee otto olto mop josell joeph frederick 0 U C F r victor and BI geric ate n r 1 GROWTH or OF if liverpool continues to iti cremo u a at its iti present rate it will soon eoon to be the largest est in tho the world and there can be little doubt that this will ill be tho the e case fir air the growth of American commerce and pop illation means also the increase of eye ry species or of com commercial mercia I 1 activity the wry V r largo 0 fich emo of dock extension which will 11 probably bo be decided upon foon has great interest for others than ibon the owner or of ships eh ids who trado trade to and from the mersey it ia a whether application shall be made to parliament to carry out all of three plans for the enlargement of the deck and ad whether one then which of tho the schemes that arc known in liverpool as the north cast and south extensions all three will have ultimately to bo be adopted for the increase making use of the docks iq i nt at pre present precut cut 2 tons cr annum annual with this very considers f blo lo 10 annual nia ual inc and a gross revenue wh which h list last year amounted to more aba than u on one ta illion with col enlarged arged accommodation bringing larger receipt tho liverpool dock hoard board tire clearly in in a potation to 10 undertake quite quita as aa large an cl extension all on of their dock system as aa is designed hattory presents lew if any more wonderful crl ul examples of commercial growth than port of Liverpool in 1757 tho the deck dues amounted to C only in 1850 very nearly I a century liter they had reached 14 od audrow and now is in the acar the great nece necessity mity is still mill for dation the rho need will lecome greater greate r as the col colonies ocies and independent states I 1 0 of f the east and west continue to devel opo ope their talent resources |