Show THE ELKO A 0 NARROW it ittai AD A writer to elio 1 sacramento Zac union has the following in relation to the eastern nevada railroad Bail road company organized nearly two years ili abond in 0 orp borated r orated by aadot an act of the legislature proved approved february 1870 it was empower empowered cd to build a narrow gauge railroad from elko to hamilton including tho the necessary t w itch es round roand bouses machine abode and such buan other necessary buildings and nd im prove monts for tho the construction operating and maintaining said road it a subsidy of bader certain conditions and restrictions strict ions act forth in tho the franchise fran chiao of oaid baid company who a few days ago sold trans transferred ferrei I 1 and conveyed all their tight right title tillo and interest in and to lo the above franchise frao chige including tho the subsidy of interest bearing bonds from the counties of elko and whito white pine to gilmer and saulberry well veil ka known 0 wn capitalists capit of salt lao city W choso whoso boso energy and and financial connection aro are a sure buro guarantee that tho the road will bo be immediato immediately ly built tho the negotiation for the abe transfer Irana fer of this franchise from the llie old to the new company a ably y conducted by captain william B boyle ay of city nevada on aebli behall of the purchasers boyle fa a gentleman of considerable consider allo experience in such gach matters and will doubtless have hare the supervision of the construction and operating ot of the road under his bis charge I 1 understand that the now company contemplates having by the ot august 0 1873 airty fito or sixty y miles of the road in complete running order with rolling stock this will be done for the purpose of securing the subsidy of this county which becomes null and void by the terms of tho the franchise on and alter that date I 1 understand that the now new company have bare under consideration the question uI jiin in of partially arti ally changing the old survey starting from the northeast end of the town crossing the river at the most favorable point to the east side sid e ana and running grundia aas eastward to a distance sufficient to give fin an easy ascend i ing 9 grade rade to overcome and cross the ridge of rolling hills to the cast of the town thence running southward to 6 Sh Shep parda eppards ranch connecting with the old survey thence along through dixie valley passing to the cast of district about five miles ina in a southeasterly direction to the head of dixie valley crossing the low range of lills not exceeding an alti altitude tudA of f three and a half to four hundred feet above the main valley ihen gradually falin filling ibio diamond valley and coursing il its iwayo way to the e south and approach in ing arbirta few miles of eureka from which i b point the road will curve to the east by sout southeast least reaching a distance of about 43 45 miles from eureka cureka making the ibe t total 0 tal distance frota from elko to Il amilton miles at eureka the be distance tu to austin does docs not exceed ciccel 70 miles aud atia to belmont elmont li about the same distance consequently no shipment ot of goods or travel will be made after the completion r cf f this ibis road from battle mountain to austin or belmont but will wil go over this rood road fir f r those points as well as the freight for eureka which will leave palisade without any shipping eg or forwar forwarding dim business for the future fatura excepting mineral hill in fact this f feeder or rather connecting link between the central pacific and eolith l l era cm pacific railroads will grasp all of the business busi nees incidental to a railroad for white pine lander southeastern nevada lincoln including pioche thereby making ako ibe granil grand road center and b business point of eastern nevida not only in the mu j ter of carrying freight but alo in carrying cirr ying nod and disbursement of government mails and matter As ai well as the initial point paint for a northern northera road to comeal with the iho northern Pa pacific after reaching amilton Il ua tho the ci will to til push forward the road without de dc ay to pioche thence to callville Call tille ville crosing creasing tho the colorado river at that point con as af above stated with wilh the southern pacific tit at some borne eul fumble table point in a southerly direction from the litter place the jaco face of the country from ciocho lio obe to caziville Call Cal TilIe Iville and bouth ward is of the most moat favorable J avo rable character for railroad purposes pur posea the above described connection when made mado with wiLh the souther toul hern n road will give tho the traveling public and freighting business a choice of lines linci and nd may creasea competition between the ibe roadel so 0 o as to lo gw give ut us freight and fire at reasonable rates which is s ne cessaro to the improvement and fait faa up of the country both for mining mining an and ul purposes soi it will also afford the miner and others that hit settle along the line of tina mad between the two great continental tin lital railways the advantage of shipping low grade ores to other points moro more favorable for the reduction of the same as aa also for the shipment cf the other oilier necessary material and sup eup plied ilice for the development of the tamo same all or of which will undoubtedly make ilko elko a hobt desirable point for the erection sod and operating of sm smelling smelting elting sod and reduction works ilich will concen concentrate capital and give employment to mechanics and laborers labo of all kinds at fair wages |