Show ut gt s olumn GL 0 tho the Tri musts to ll not responsible tot for tho the views of its ill it ilmi aims to bo be tho the P r of the people mj and its columns coluni DB aro are open to all I 1 h havia xing soni euting to say fay Dg only that it lo he uj said 0 1111 NOT OT DEAD hii yer ver XE rt atol lv jan 1873 editor anu talf fale Tri tribunes burve in your duly daily fun liuo of january lolli APP Otare tile tho following lol loning the iho g rood djulka follit of are ro rejoicing i cing over 11 r the abo liitt that at tho h a c timins 0 of f corinna coreno have li given up abo ba adox id of nf building a beroid gatien to teri atory bornt for ilo and lave n negotiated c 9 with it ith the northern company nip z to buil build d viem a branch m grovr kiugo irom ltringham brigham I 1 city TIA TI A Unit tantan the may northern and ampha filea a lett kotur or from 11 II X maguire ol of ogden alio a states that the ho company are arc grading fand aad a track aa t the ho rate rato of one mile day h giue 1 men and mcann employed p 1 oy l by ith uio lit let of may tho the road will in ift tereca the corinne Corini ie stage rod road near dear frnklin in cilo uilo shortening tho the di distance dix buico stanco from settle manta ants in fontana to 10 a railroad 75 w milo cles i and from that point poat it will bo be a ahead h ced to soja soda sponga Spring sat ilia great vigor will you yon alloo mo me to point out the inaccuracies iok cai of 0 this tito corinne people have bavo not given tip alio idea of building a 1 broad gauge redro to montana Mont niiA not even for the ent ha LAVO v 0 not with nith tho the utah north cria cra to build u ild thara a branch narrow darrow gaego from brigham city on tho the contrary tho the utah northern llola obliged t to alart lu ito rosil rod from CorL Corinn mattia oui order to got any lull busi nea cess ne A has baa been endeavoring to ft kit vital it could out of corinno la alio wy oi assistance th the a uta ut ili h northern is not una men and nor the tenth part 0 or it 11 nor dor is it laying trick track it at the rate ol of a train a day tho the utah norths wui not intersect tho the corinne stage atigo road near fru ilia by tho the lit let of MIT may nor ever the Corinne road ti is 45 miles mile from franklin tt at ir nearest accas ablo point Wal kalsons sons station BUit ioa nor if it would would it abo distance from settlements in fontana to a rath lathrod rod connection 75 73 miles nor is it hicy pat to bo pushed abbad to soda A n with great or tny any vigor tiger very soon boon TUB clan orl bOTa has escen at ork now sixteen months boj and it has bu not yet forty miles I 1 of road it started nowhere and thus thin fir hu has got nowhere it will dimpley vigor tiger if it get the piece of road bo be canaria md and logan perhaps forty miles milca in ia dead by the lit or of slay may lod and then it will I 1 bo be several miles f further or from montana than it wait waa last lafit june when it struck off irom from tho the direct route at IlAm it IA twenty miles from logio logan to franklin find and at their twit post latoof rate of progreso tho the company wont got get there hero a year from tho the let of may beyond franklin frontin Fro nUin toward boda bp springs rings tharo lon ua t the shadow of 1 6 1 ghost 11 t of budina present or prospective iho 1 h road md from franklin to montana intersects the corinna tic roaul it at wilfong Wil foni su tion buea from corinne B by av of tile tho altah la X northern thera it is in sixty miles mile from corinne to nan klin and nd at t letot forty iliva fl thence to watsons Wt on ara alm is L a bare theaty civo alvo miles nearer al 0 latanik lat anit than corinno corinne is ia ud and against this will ivill bo be silly miles mile of maroul camare so hit that nith aith gainge it at franklin Fran Llin it would still mill bo boa stand gatei on t ciocia conadio and franklin as to which paint point were tho the mott most faTor ablo for tho the inmar r bf ao mont n t a un n s fr freight c ag b t to aa i with h 0 a c t i a p r 0 s poe t buforo it ind and behind it the fact that it luu lias been doing lothing tho the lut last til ox months it fit tho the rato alo of two the amand dollars lol lr i a month out of pocket the themo people plo of connio are of the opinion toms some of them at lout least that this enterprise has bu nothing be ayt att to bout of over the broad AS it in il called which if it is u a long wh aum a starting is ij bit not operating it fit a loss ION piling up upon an and d may go through all the moro more e burely t ly lod for taking the time to pur get t good baut art comm |