Show WHITE LEAD WORKS lo in another column will be found on an interesting description of white lead jr works arki recently erected on the elore el ore of san francisco day and claimed to bo be the first of its und kind in the world tho the process king a recent invention ora of a mr bir frederick victor the works ire are capable of producing from five to seven tons of white lead per diem nod and which are arc expected to supply the pacific coast with a superior article to that now produced in tho east F oat and at a much less cost If is able to produce white lead at al a diminished cost while bay ing bog to purchase and import her metallic lend from the mining region theres there is no reason why that enterprise cannot bo be successfully inaugurated at home possessing as we do the groat great advantage of having tile the iuro iura article of lead produced irittia a few miles of the city at the present time we are exporting this lead to the kast and re purchasing la 9 it in the form of white lead for home b ome use instead of mailing it available us as an additional article of export and thus cou contributing to t the welfare or of the te territory the figures recently given in 0 our ur columns show that our oat imports import are largely in in excess 0 of f our exports a condition of ol 01 things by no means to those understanding tho the principles of political economy and which should bo be remedied in every available manner the vast quantities of lead which nil ill be ba produced here the com coming adf season nelson should bo be utilized at lome home and made to product produce for the benefit of our own territory ri tory every dollar that it represents represent in i manufactured form of enriching others as is in now the ease case although engaged in mining pursuits pure in tile manufacturing intel casts must mul not nol LO be foremen anil and we w sett BC in the proper butil lutil izing of our vast lead productions the means of creating an enormous revenue to the territory vi bich is u now lost simply because wo we ink the capital to engage I 1 in a the ilia necessary enterprises to pro dues duco it |