Show CITY NEWS Xon concur cUr araw A W adams ili the special of the Titre roi wd and duly doly to an th orlaid talip Uon and nd receipt attentions atten tionA all fiti to tu mr air Tori lor buo berAme atino any adams during lite ia trip will irell ito b alim a predated by the tribune printing inting t co FD to manager fungi gilmora Salis burys rugelio teiso bc flatten blocho and LU october tar of bi bullion allion no ko 2233 A reward of will be given 9 even for its flu delivery sit wells fargo 1 1 co t s office in salt alt ulo TALO city bort BORN mrs mary of the twentieth ward gato birth to a SOD of wb which fell undoubtedly its 4 pal pa 1 is latchy tory pron arnal 1 lie be 0 go 10 7 DONT tho lasonio bla sonic sociable comes off tonight to night nt fit the lasonio hall over Trowbridg Trow bridges ca billiard saloon inching dancing in cing commences at 8 missionaries AT ao AC conling to correspondence published in tho news last evening the icely 1 lind missionaries at antwerp belgium on the ath of december THE WE allther night before last and yesterday morning morning snow fell to the depth of about 21 2 inches on the level and last night a starlit sharp fiot set in with the he wind north and sky eky clear S s special religious meetings mcc tinsa are being held in the methodist church every evening I 1 thu this week A gene general ral invitation to the ipuh publio is is extended ON 03 THE STREETS yesterday tho the streets of our city wort wore a dull aspect those who were out appearing to be so without any particular purpose stores sparingly patronized and bu bubines busi sines aCtS generally ing lugged ged considerably in id conse quioco probably of tho the disagreeably state odthe of the weather nIVIo at sloans saw pic room cast of 0 gobbo godbe at t cos C orner corner on oa theater street does a thriving basi ness nossa dispensing liquors of every d description i wholesale and retail it n is baid by those the who claim to be judges ju ages in tuch such matters that there are some elegant defiant beverages sold there YANKEE NOTIONS mr C lv troy imports all kinds of yankee nations motions and leeps keeps them tit at wholesale store keepers and dealers would do well to inspect in i sir mr troys st we are informed it is quite elaborate and at figurel I 1 to compete wi with ith di direct direct shipments shipment adver i TO the following deside hint comes to us from the IS south chafa C talking ot of your oll old cimpi that lit in utah uc are so eo and talio taho advice of ono one who knows grand chances in the DOW IN hero here men ill clothed mid and scant of 0 food have imd and aul noulia liala if oud bank tea feet boil atwon ty LEA we clip the following follow I 1 i ng extract from an exchange showing the amount of business done by our oar enterprising townsmen 0 C walling son at their tannery at saugatuck Saag atuck mien mich there fare are three tanneries canneries tann eries in ia dauga tuck but tho the are arc only given of that of t C 0 walling k son who have turned out sides number of pounds harness crop sole 1500 insole they 1 h cy have hare consumed umed 16 1600 00 cords cordi of bark GOING to 10 ores atchison are arc about to open a wholesale liquor salesroom on the south sido of the walker house these gentlemen aro ao said to he bo go ahead busi business nebs men and doubtless have struck a good locality for their enterprise yesterday wo noticed notie edon on tho the sidewalk in front of their store a large number of barrels which we were informed was the first fira shipment of their stock block which when complete will bo be one of the largest in the city A COMMON COM 1164 EVIL it ap appears that engines as well as individuals have their failings and will in spite V of everything abiog get off the track this fact fact was demonstrated domo nitrated yesterday on south templo temple street near the valley house by the engine and tender slipping a little on ono one sido side of the path of duty but they were aiice after a little coaxing with crowbars reinstated and went on their way rejoicing we should judge so from the way the engine whistled 1 notwithstanding the t ho city ordinance prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drinks the heals bos seem determined to hive have their tod die and saloon keepers appear just as aa willing wiffing to sell as they are ace to lo buy but unfortunately for joseph and peter swan they sold gold some to ito the i wrong parti cs and were compelled to interview acter in consequence and hand over for the benefit befit of the ci city I 1 y treasury fach each VALLEY HOUSE tho ibo valley bouso is one block north of the townsend house anil and on the direct car route leading to and from the depot it is therefore easy of abess either cither from tho the railway or city and on thai account vry very coni convenient adient for those v ho desire a good boardinghouse boarding house which reputation tho the valley house liou e has hai long tinco since won all tho the arrangements of the house aro are under the 11 of the to lor who take alo special pains to ausura good accommodation lind and to their G TO iii BE thu alleged cattle thieves win will to be tried at Brig hawl city on wednesday next there to ho be considerable las blow made mad 0 in in tiia taia teral about tho the pru bablo ainuu educe of the parties concerned it ilia is esler C for some to that cattle kill kijl and skin themselves than that men or A certain centala tripe are guilty of but one thing is certain that ilal a glett leally ineta live iu ita this territory i without 80 abny y apparent weans ol of support Bup port or even legitimate business anil and duful ly it does generally so happen that buch bach are arc found mixed up in these little affairs hea thea T are mude nii ilc A the happle lait bt anil and host of a is ia usually culled called the fight ot of tho the bow boucho lil lc be caufy besides being harpy rua ul cheerful che ecial himself or herself lio lie or the he macca fill else the charter charier oak it is uch such a treasure snow SIIDE A snow enow lido aido WM Te reported ported last night but not confirmed last night on tho the occasion sion or miss bliss benefit tho the elioue was well filled although not C crowded row d the performance partook of the character of it medley but was not dot so interesting and amusing as tho the two chor acter plays presented by the coap company any on previous occasions occasion however wo we were pleased to see the house so BO well filled cued and the audience appreciative tonight poisoned will bo be ej on friday evening walters alters take balies a be benefit Defit TAKE salt lako lake night before last took temporary charge of firey rods of the railway track without ilao duo process of law a w 11 we have not been informed whether a 4 wl wiit it of ejectment has hai yet been aery ed cj on it or not but pen pending dirig legal proceedings ce being taken agai i ast it rasen ra sen gers were compelled to change cars and piss on foot over the captured capt urcil portion ot of the track possession was waa taken in in this wise the lake overflowed a aad froze ha haidi and tow the track a rendering travel lay rail impossible lot for the timo time being trains were expected to its be able blo to pass last night 1 l E it gives us pleasure to call attention to the rapidly increasing of mr newspaper book end and periodical dealer that arii deserves success is ir ib the fact that lie iio is ca careful reful to fill all orders entrusted to him by his 1118 patrons whether for home or foreign publications publication a large assortment of which he has always on bind band all pictorials can be had bad at this establishment t at loc each purchasers of sheet music call and inspect his stock embracing as it does docs the best compositions of or the day by standard authors SALE OP OF A MINE MIKE AT STAR the hickory mine at shenandoah or north star has been sold within the past few days to an english company for a large figure seventy fiyo five thousand dollars have been paid down and a mill and furn furnaces worth eighty thousand tha usand more ato are to be erected by april of the ilia present 3 car the mine is ii generally considered one of great value it has been prospected by four shafts and two drifts to a depth of seventy five feet and a large am amount of ore is ii lying on the dumps and a much larger quantity is exposed in the cuts below the ore is 13 a pure porn carbon ate and will works work it is said at least to the ton we have no doubt the present owners will find themselves in possession of a valuable property final and their enter kill bill do much to start business afresh in star which at no dist distant ant if time me a it ii ia thought by many experienced miners mikers will be the first district in utah to star SALT LAKE caoru this thia society met in st marks schoolrooms on monday evening last and completed luicir I 1 albod bylaws by laws wore were adopts and mr dei daiby by was elected secretary lice face mr griggs resigned wo we understand that the services of prof 0 pratt junior have bave bee been a secured as pianist and that neg negotiations arc 1 ro pending with careless to act as musical director fur for the society rev llev mr stratton ind ami the Meth methodia odit society very onerously generously offered the use cf f their church cirlor to the union fur the domaoal charge of 5 per mouth month tle the bare cost cosit of warming and lighting the llie all apartment artmont art ment tle the offer was gratefully accepted and the union will meet thereon there on next monday evening it is the iho intention to hold select musical sources onie evening in each month and to give public concerts once a quart quarter cr or at least two live or three finses in the course of if the winter the expenses connected with willi this association will bo be considerable and though the members are prepared to bear a urge large khare themselves wo was thi think a k that as their time and talent arc riven given for the benefit and enjoyment of cf the great public all who love harmony and who recognize the elevating aud purifying effects of good music should fee I 1 it a pleasure to contribute to the support of this thia much needed deeded association to meet this wantona want on a basis agreeable to both parties some friends ol of the union businessmen business men nud others bug thi the en roling ot of Lorl honorary members tah has been decided upon and tickets of honorary membership admitting two five to all the musical it 0 the society lor for one year will be issued at tho the very low figure of 5 this ohis inest meet with very tory general approval as 23 it is less than the active members ives contribute besides the timo time and labor they bey must necessarily devote to their arduous though pleasant duties in order to malo tho the society a success the ladies and gentlemen connected with the salt lake chorol choral union are arc clet erving if great praise for their efforts in this direction aud and wo vve heartily wish them success in their undertaking FOLLOWING is a statement of the busl ness doss of the U S branch mint blint at carson 0 city nev for december 1872 ounces value gold 2 sasi 55 sit cr LoO 11 46 total za 7 J za 3 0 gol I 1 boil bare ban value alua ua W IM |