Show I 1 politicians vs T BUSINESS MEN the question C has been started as 03 to lo whether politicians or bustness business men are arc the most fitti cuing tig to edmin administer the strain of out our territory and nc most potent to tiring bring about the changes needed to settle the condition of this thi country I 1 wj we published the letter of our regular min ingi car ott sustaining governor woods and opposing hn his removal to give place to a governor f from rom our merchant class clam the rodi radi cals of the city are re carrying the discus dion into another phase in which the he politicians are arc glorified and our busi neuss men ire treated abed nith contempt this should make the latter fully sure alive in future to the greatness of political managers man igers and the littleness of cominer comm er eail men who can cad build up it a slate but are not competent to govern it they must learn the lesson from their mas teril cri that to talk about shoe and leather dealers and sagacious tape bellers to for r offices in the state shows a want of political common scrim this want these wiseacre contemn condemners ers of caious tape sellers have found in in tho thet tribune which holds that the commercial brain manages a world as 13 well as develops its resources and nd they have discovered the tame same want of political common sense antho in the simple simpletons tons on main blain street of the merchant and nd banking class cl ass whose enterprises in utah seem to confirm our view it is however but the teeming seeming and not the reality fr for those nica men lack brains and have bare no c capacity 2 to administer state affairs find and especially are not equal to the task of working out the ilia material greatness qs of a young country with boundless mineral wes wealth I 1 t b politicians are arc the men they understand the principles of government can decide lupori of law and rid legislation legis lilion and the law of the land with a clear judgment and a firm hand find A london linden or new york gamin would climax the herculean wisdom and ability of these politicians and their little limilo enning whistle with the query vell veil and vot of it what have hare ti they icy done for utah this crusade of the politicians f against our merchants and bankers who have bare done so BO much to build up utah and who if not interrupted by the infinite wisdom of the politicians brain will bring millions of capital into this territory for investment in our mines is a rather fun funny dy one we could understand the war waged against polygamy which certainly needed a little wholesome coercion cre ion but this one ODD against aga mal our merchant princes and financiers on the ground of a lack of capacity we cannot so BO well explain it seems very much like the sequel of putting a beggar upon a horse all know where he be goes gocs it is n to the place where these politicians would carry utah true these radical and politicians ciani are directly after the tribunes nominee but their stupid insolence falls upon the devoted heads of all the merchants and bankers of main fain street jews gentiles and mormons Mor mons they all lack the governing brains brain forso for othan d have not the stuff of statesmen in thew them now when it is considered how little the governors of utah have lad bad to do and how little they have bare governed anybody while these moneyed and commercial men have actual actually ily carried utah along alone for years taking bebout her out of the hands oren of an 1 absolute priestly power and placing her on the stepping to greatness this affectation of contempt from ill the 11 po liddane liti ciana is cheap enough A great governor who governs nothing is much like a great general in battle with no army lie he would be surrounded but this new development of a radical conflict between our business men and the politicians is very opportune for it will in time reveal to the former the class which deeks to domi dominate nat over them their rival in the future is not the priest but the politician who would ruin the country which they are arc fast fas t redeeming the class who have created nothing would fain rule everything but our men of comm cro and finance will give the checkmate to their rule or ruin moves or we hava mistaken their character and legislative ability it is tho the substantial men of this country like our walkers our Hus hussels husseys our alir marshall our kahns who will he be found in the legislature in the judiciary and in the city council when utah ceball become a state and not the poetic politicians lan S and we need some of this class there during the remainder of her territorial existence to prepare ahn th way for tho the new order or of things |