Show THE GOAL COAL LAWS A few lys days sauce we called attention to the lawn reli titto to coal lands and extracted an all article irom from the enterprise of nevada upon the subject in which the writer claimed that that state should bo be excepted frow from the operation of the lw luv as 23 it now ot botand and and urged congressional fiction action to ifford prospectors for coil coal buch lucli protection as might be ba necessary nod and offer tt at the same fame time such inducements as 3 would encourage men to develop the coal coalfields fields or of the strafe state utah not cot less im than lian nevada is entitled to the favor favorably ablo con consideration side ra ion of congress N ia t this his respect and every red rea I 1 soi masico ablo induce inducement ment raould bo be offered by the enactment of liberal laws hwa relating to coal la lands n ds with wilb a view of facilitating their As the law cow stands it a poor mm is u tho the discoverer of a coal mine in any part of the territory his chances of benefiting himself by it if depend upon his hii al ability to pu purchase the land from government at public auction in competition with capital we direct the attention of delegate ron er cr to this ihu subject in the interests of the territory for the probabilities are that in the courso of a few years utah will be covered with a network net work of tarrow gauge roads creating g an im immense itt trade in coll coil not only within our own borders bo riera but dieu alu lual making ing it an arti de CIO of elpOrt to out neigh neighbors boM in ia anticipation of this it is u desirable to have bare coal coa opened up wherever they can bo be all over the territory and wo we feet fed satisfied congress Oon gress will aid our c citizens ia in uch such enterprises so soon as our wants arimado are made known |