Show aran v SHAKES A BE an audic neo very fair la in numbers and of ft a highly liis lily appreciative character icing campot CA 01 of AOTO samo of if the most mort intelligent lilic ladies and gentlemen of tile commar y in ioco a rich treat tacit last lait evening at in ili lepen an C a hall on ell u we vo lieve ibave barcly rely hi had tho the good fortune to bo be lite of WO did not go to the ballias conr reportorial ca pacify but bill were biro sought oiin lil out ani and uncil unwillingly tingly pressed into tile tho service by 1 inning modo ol of request was vu to so irresistible that wo could not refuse tho the lecturer of ilia evening was judge tilford nl whose abo reputation iu in that role roie ij 14 widely known for elegance of languido langu igo anil thorough tb knoll ledge of tile subjects la he way essays lotien to ban dlo die the nio att Bilo clcil WM was I 1 speare land ml ilia of eutimo aid time the ali lecturer commenced by saying it led bid occurred to lim that perhaps the matter on which lich lie he proposed to facia calt might to be comes considered W cred by como so BO far from the thoughts or of every day lifo life sa aj not to be so no acceptable as B those of a more practical character yet still io in lilt opinion to lo did not consider ilia subject do told of interest or utility no ilo drew lite pr allot of tho the hardy mining prospector log fog over the bills and nd stepping to pluck a wild flower and afterwards rising to renew lis lin is 1 here bora no ila hoped lis hearers 11 mould loot look upon tho the present occa blain as ft a brief cessation from tho the tolla toile of tho the daymil dayi ml however bumb lobis lii might boo axi it would bord hien lam graca tion lion to bo ba able 1110 to la from the mind for 1 a I few minutes at call alio tit gal loties anal me mo DOODY of every day lifo life in speaking edg of tile immortal bud bard he bo said bald there dever was in an u thor living or dead of such luch repute as aj a delmi for of human character MADY hony have been aa u to tho the authenticity of lis lii writings and it nig mas not dot until a century after lb his death that research was commenced oa its subject Thoo doubts have unquestionably been all cleared up tip and lit his is ia now an undoubted fid fact nothing the speaker ud md was wa known ol of liia birth lul but wo we all ku know ow of ilia youthful bridegroom of nineteen nm inc mcra marry ingani hathaway a lady many years older than himm himself olf about abe of the year 1587 ho be removed from hia bid native place to ilia metropolis where ho be amol oll fitl years of lla lis life ila iio seems to have soft erod lanoy D y privations during ilia first fow few years of lit lie residence in tho the capitol CB pitol iio commenced his bit career as a writer of ply plays and peotry md and asia u is common with many characters of our own day met with but small ion it at ilia bands of tho the public hit his first tp ap fi carance in public as tan actor was in tho the theatre end fly at the globe in tho the year he lift london and returned to tho ilia of lis lai birth stratford on aton ATOD taking with lima blin A derived from ua his ll out of caru inga as nn an actor no he only lived four years to enjoy ilia roast rist ho be had bad liborid so BO lard bard for and died in ia ilia year 1616 bod and WM was buried in ia tho the church nt at st aford on 1 I avon valiere there la u i a tablet and busk brist to commemorate him but bat hij bid w will outlive that tablet ib lct 26 a timo time can mettr detar c flaked the ho productions of tuch a mind th tho a silence or of historians bint orlana regarding this wonderful genius is remarkable happily however wo aro not ignorant of tho grand bin ago age in which how roto the reign of elizabeth was wa a wonderful period la in ilia worlds world history bi atory tile tho lement of america the invention of printing and tho the ne formation took place during bat epoch that ago daved its ita form and substance BUbi tanco from as ch sources there was wa much anch wicked races tho the locution execution of mary queen of scots Is and will always remain is a blot upon the escutcheon of that day Again tho mo I 1 OT a gets of 0 sir francis drake land and sir walter and tho the defeat of the Spar thill armada Ar miili havo allo contributed to civell the meed of praha which sell and proto prose writers havo have lavished upon ilia reign of good quote quan ees does wo we cannot then wonder at tho lite influence of uch such an ago age upon the mind ofa of a nan man lilie icare ipare speare in tho the culiar ages plays play were jakc as from sacred writings and of the sainte bilu these moral plays playe took a hidir avidor range and moro more recently a species of mixed maxel the moral MIU tragedy aud and comedy took look abo leill in tho the earlier period of they were acro given in churches or barns without teen seen cry ot of buy any kind the ho actor ichor or manager explaining to the audience anil and loving them to draw upon their imagination as to llio abo allo of field room or ehluct intended the lecturer then informed his hi audience that the iho play ala v to lo had to aled cant upon was waa at macbeth them was vaa no record of the dato valica it visa naj misfit lault aiu alyd tat lt the ia globe cheater lit london on the icah of april from collat tEral circumstances me n tire aro certain that it was written to that portion of the reign of james the first in 1603 thu materials of the story etory were gatner id from she annabal of it lich ware in alo bard auit lavo 0 devoted much thought and to I 1 G tho lia t jett fur for lie ho follows fail lows the lio story lory in ill I 1 I 1 d cat details det dot aili aile it differs diff tars widely from many oth lr ard of lis plays u for cia lite 11 tt m pest pati m biro ho he drama me BO much on lis hid imag agnation ina tiou in lbs beird led sisters into I 1 he play of macbeth ho he tiia bad thorough of tho the human faludy and ibo ras eu balaich lai hai in all ngo agea re 10 and witchcraft clack black atone lu in im his M writings only one yours ago go aya saya that to dony a in ali and sorcery li is tantamount to ilia mord vorhof of god in tho the dsa dai a of tile tho blitte was wan unia craid tho the Imp imperial trial piss rila I 1 ament of erbland EDt laud to so far believed Uli tiri in it tin ilia t a act pallia palliating ting tho the crime with den death t it was VIM among its ita in tho the reign of james a tho the first no lua than six pere otia mob met that rate in tho the city of edin din burgh search tho whole drama fand aou ou will not fiod dod a scene equal to thull that tc town tho ito a sand and MM lill tho the chu ter of this clay lay for imagery and language ll 11 ahe line in dad 1 sight night aad in their potter and not less eloquent la lu lie description of lecam la life commencing nith the abo words worda tomorrow to morrow and tomorrow to morrow thu 0 hondrou non drous drou art rt seat ami life liko dlo li played in these lines linc lion lina excited tho the wonder of b uio ahe marld oil all olyo acs down to ilia ho present time tho the principal la in this great aromaa aro mao and lady and in them the aho laforest cEnt cre tho speaker describe I 1 mao mail both all a walla of cf naturally dalure and add high minded with iino rubies jului lilt bait ambition lie robts was ui julyia lay a c harac tar with no BO mean ia fr the foul fool deed liu he committed commit tul tho character of batly was M a murii difficult to and search ilia ibo world cat ocr c r it would bo be liard lard to find her court thank god it tuo races racca rarely produce cue euch a cLarac kr mad aa to divido tho guilt and audi as ai iu stanco of bacr omans nature baturo tl abo a referred to Lorli lur heart carl ar rt dating lulin fur bho said 11 haj had to lo nut been so 10 tile iilo my father I 1 would lavo done it after tho that dtta wait vu done dodo the ibo vion saus delicate camo cam 0 into play piny as iu in the file scene of willing in ter aud ito alio bigo ate alo thua then used that moral of ilo ilia I ply ilay lay of Mae maebella betla the alo Icar tied wu was tint that it taught the grand lesson that the ol of god goa is i snare and dd tint that retribution wells upon crime the judges io ini Luarks uirL waro full jf if ably selected points and ad morale but bur our space precludes further nosmo of this most int cret ing aud mad 0 o bapa the day is i not dot fur far distant distan ilia pub from alac kiino iollar treat from his lii ilou lift ills |