Show IN 14 THE SUPREME COURT FOR THEDIS OF 0 UTAH in the lh miller matter of 1 M bankrupts Bankrupt J 1 via in bankruptcy notice node is in hereby given giten that persistent to in order made by said laid court la am the ibe mat ter lr of ill J Sae Sue daker bankrupt on oa the ibo third day of f april A D 1 1871 a heart henring 1 la will be hall bal upon that tb petition peli tion of said baid baak 1 fort heretofore filed led in ia still court pray ing for his bli discharge ironi from all 11 his hil debts and od liabilities provable proT ablo under the act c of f congress an act to h an uniform system of bankruptcy through out states approved march end na for a certificate thereof be fore for said iid court on oa the iho uny day of april AJ AD D 1871 lit at 10 a BI at t the united states court ronnie jus ia suit salt lake city in ia said district kt at which time limo and place kny any creditor of said bald or any other parallel in ia interest may appear and show abow cause if any aj they have why the prayer of ij petition should not be granted C HAW LItY clerk of said supreme court in ia bank rupley suit salt like lake city april 3 1 |