Show THE CON gressional congressional BEAR ARDEN congress lin has finally adjourned after a much longer session than was anticipated when it organized on the ath of march the country will generally lc be quite as glad ald to hear of the adjournment ta as tho the members themselves were to get out of the lie wretched atmosphere of tins the capital to mingle among their constituents again the only legislative act that lied liaa been passed luring during this brief session was tho the ku klux bill which has been a source of contention between the two great political parties ever since it was waa introduced the original bill did not meet with the approval of all the members of the republican p party 2 fly in in con alila it encountered encounter el I 1 t abc b a fi irad vigorous opposition of the denton I 1 s naturally enough it il was shorn of many of its ils objectionable features and when filially pauta was altogether a differ cut affair from that introduced by Shella borger or morton ll orton enough however was left or added to it to give the president the requisite authority to enforce the laws all over the country and to put down unlawful combinations which disturb the peace and well being of ot society if the bill should prove effective in ac c the tha desired cad andt the country will bo be perfectly satisfied salis neil with the lab bira rs of the present congress the expiring hours ol of the session in ia the house were enlivened b by j one of tile the most bittor bitter and exciting per yet place the tomosa ano to most irascible oter hearing and vi vindictive represents lives butler of mass and nd farnsworth of illinoia be spattered I bac one another with filth to their hearts content evidently to tho the great amusement and delecta tion of lad members who relaxed entirely from their official dignity watched tho the forensic combat its as gaily as they vio tild bar ed a bear fight fi or a bajger mor bait ertry hit vis grec tail with uproarious of laughter especially butler was the llie re rc and everybody seemed to cona con eider charges against the famous lowell brigadier which who when affect gitig his honor anti and particularly bechet mor marsells sells to linger over oter ind and bijoy I 1 accused him of perjury embezzlement and cowardice it and was wag applauded by tho the howe for his bis utter utterances auces although 7 it must be said eaid that we ITC lave have only Us his word against an off leial report fully exonerating butler as a basis fur for lis hharges butler brought him up on a point pointon of order and tile the speaker stopped lila him in his remarks until the house gae huu him permission to 0 o pro probably bably because became the elegant promoted promie ed olly id lave have begun so sa these great jaen 1 abu ed aud each other and ex laugle avul crith epithets epi theta ets until they were tired out oat alia ni beck of K ky Y then in and indulged in recollections of a disgraceful accio in ia oue of the lite rooms when farnsworth shook lis hii list hat in ia butlers face lad and liick black guarded him without being knocked don this boal as it might naturally have done but butlers brilliant fallas have not dot been performed in any geld where his bis person perron has hai been it at all 11 II in danger lie he has been more in art ting and newspaper correspond corre spon dents who lie told the truth ruth about linn bill while lie be comm commanded anthill an army and to them lie was wore more of a aror than to the common enemy lie docs not apper appear to 10 he be in in gord good odor among his associates socia tes and nd perhaps some of these thes days day he will kill be lobs achs popular among iii constituents in while tie be was wag perhaps justly castigated got ad in the house it is not credith creditable ble to that body that ruch a scene WM das possible in ill one or of the highest deiber atie ati e assemblies of the world it is ia altar I 1 J 01 al dagrace dL grace to 0 the house home to per mit it i low loir personal discussion of that kind kiad to take like place and nd a greater dit ails grace ace to bale accompanied it with such euch 94 were noticed on the occasion the members wo we hope will il and ad 0 a sojourn among amon civilized beings ben baneg it G eil cial to their deportment ind and moral of and J when they return to washington washing ton we trust it nill ill he be to exhibit bitter manners and more allt dignified and decent behavior in the future the people are disgusted with such d performances and want no more of them tat splendid weather thit that wo we tire ore row enjoying is is full of promise forthe mines the snow under the influence of the he warm anti will speedily piss pim agwayo wy and nd enable to explore the ho most secluded recesses of be mountains mounta inq in search or of lodes I 1 copper sains cap rock bed b ej rock and all those natural and silver suggesting productions which seem to 0 delight the understanding un diTtl inkling of the cn n liluer already the ke fetn u eyes ol of the explorers are re hunting out ita mense numbers or of lodes and nd we bear of many which promise wonderful things thousand of mines will be discovered this summer and occupation will be affo afforded raed to ten times as many miners and laborers laborer the future of utah never appa appeared tired more brilliant and the melancholy croake croal ings of the reverend doctor miller of the chua b a herald and the feeble echoes of his sweet tempered acolytes Acolyte a of ajr herald in rotc of their intended predictions wo we will wager a small quantity of shares iu in the golconda hints blines that borers before mid summer rev dr miller ant and his amiable ir if not dis interested followers follow cra will be singing io in lofty measures nici Burca the wonders of the mineral kingdom or of utah 1 |