Show balm lill in e mail U I 1 the masonic banquet ta THE EARL bi HE biter ind k in A N D TEsTE the grand reception and banquet at the masonic temple last night of tho the grand lodge 11 1 1 A M X of this thia district io in honor as 03 earl do da grey grand master of if the granil grand lodge ol at F A A lit II of england was wa one of the most brilliant and cle elegant gant en ever given in this this city tho the occasion was one of great interest t ti mafong it being the only time lilac an all english grand gaad master has been among them A resolution was wag adopted at the grand lode treating ire eting on alio llio lie ath ultimo that a committee of seven ulam bers bera bo be appointed to take lake the its eary lly measures to extend to tile larl art de D greywa pre a grand eng lish flu Y a suitable satiable reception the invitation or the ho granil grand lodge was accepted by the earl and invitation were alo ahat tendered to lord ton ten aerden ajen of the ibe commission ind iff Style man mila lor lff Y to a tho the english legation sir john macdon aid and sir stafford northcott of the commission ahil which ch were accepted a invitations were also extended to thu the grand masona of fill the states stat iu in the union who together wit lithe I 1 Eng engleh lih guests were tho the only ones invited the grand lodge wag vil opened alt six eil last evening in ample form and after tile routine was wae over the ilia lii tir B weris weri escorted etcor ted to the room an and d ived with the proper Walson fic honor hello r J if grand gran 1 blaster stansbury welcomed earl do DC grey in a few appropriate re rc marks and the hurl eri in reE response said eai he esteemed it most fortunate or not only for far but also to the matonic ma tonic interests sa ia both countries that there should ba a it closer union between the masons 01 of tho the united states nd those f rr of an fn rutland band till the cliwe rony aull lan aang anc S nc aft r iho cess was ordered by the gran muter end and all the brethren formed in m tion and ar by bv taft li EVIL jait llad erca ieli I 1 divido illy to lo tile let arl by 1 ia 0 M it II 11 Donald sm in by deputy grand master alaster george 11 clarke and G secretary NA all 1 I erncr afka this awili wai over nil to the large blu music ie hull hall it was used a on n this occasion as a bau quetin room hero here the tables vi acre ere set out fur one imn fill dred gall seventy guati THE was decorated with american and eng gibli fla flig 4 lit in the center canter of the kilt ww win su I the banner or of lie ile royal koyal arch chapter representing the banners of tile four principal tribes or of israel lari iel I 1 judah ephraim ani an I din dail aliis th is was sni rounded by st 0 georges I 1 corge s cro cross as and american color on tile th lff left or of this thia was a line fine portrait or of quew queen VT i ia torn and ou on the right ight cirii one org george co re 1 washington io opposite on off the orchestra gillery gill cry wai wag east busl a portrait or of JS it I 1 15 I 1 french rench aul and on off the nort 1 I aid aili of the wall was a largo spit of eirl earl no do grey the tables mablea arcie arranged in a follow square around the lull hall tin the head ang being in the cast end or of the aj on an elcia ted platform where there all could pei ee the lie honored guests after full fall justice lial been dune done to the viands all who were not mister masons M aiom in good standing retired anil and a talle table to lodge dge was via opened in form and the wines win as and the grand blaster maager then i in it ashert a short speech rehearsed tho shied which had bad called them together and called upon the grand secre secretary lary to lo read the to the sent to state granil grand masters mist rs who no not b be Is present t at the or lis lie q tea reading tog 0 flici fe letters all were then seated find and THE TOASTS were read by I 1 the life grand master with willi appropriate I 1 introductory remarks t the first ural being be the queen of great brit ain the adoo announcement of this toast w was followed by god save the queola aud by three hearty cheers ev iding with a tiger th the c text next was the president of the united states slates musio I 1 IT ae star spangled spangle it Bam banner ncr I 1 1 nil I rising thai next was the health crisis of his lordship the lie karl earl de grey and ami ripon bip on grand master of england tho the band then k up t rule ule brittania brittanie Brit and after loud cheering cering cli the karl E ri do de grey rose roee and responded in a model el address in the course of which he said 11 1 1 I 1 belado that all true masons bila sons are inspired cirod by tho the feelings kofl patriotism and that this bia feel feeling tog is aann the people better exema lifler thau iu ill tile tho american and log fisli the cheering that followed this ahli WM wits quite q bite enthusiastic and prolonged |