Show south carolinda Carol Car olinia ioia is in ill a deplorable condition plantations unoccupied by their owners are talon taken pos possession bessio of bythe by the ne negroes groes anil and the houses occupied occupied by then bern the clatter latter pay no rent rant anil and will not leave when they are bidden and las as they I 1 aye no a money a e it is us 1 l gis to attempt at I 1 capt legal proceed ings against them 1 artler more they will not work V f th they ey can help it hundreds of planters cra sty they will not again pay tho the itina unjust t taxes that arti aro now extorted brool froni i them they ayea threaten armed unless vms ame change for tho the bettor better takes place pl the re ift roes would have given ui no trouble lc if they had bad not nei been subjected to the kl influence of the life incendiary carpet gers who are arc fattening at the peoples expense this thie is no ova oer drown picture or of our condition coalition an and I 1 think tho the people of at the north ought to kow know how much wc kcf suffer it cost costs smore then tha th net proceeds dd of a caroill cropf at present briegs to rua rna a plantation plantation and land io 1 hw hu coas tautly to be sold ili at a sacrifice to td meet the uses taxes when W he n the land is all gone we shall be ii cast pro ciless upon the world |